Generate an array in a macro

I have some variables, eg


What I want is to generate an array (or tuple) of the following:

[("a", 1),
 ("b", 2),
 ("c", 3)]

So far I got the conversion for one variable

macro convertarg(var)
    return :(($(string(var))), $(esc(var)))
julia> @convertarg(a)
("a", 1)

My first idea was to call convertarg in a loop from within another macro:

macro convertargs(vars...)
	pairs = []
	for var in vars
		append!(pairs, (@convertarg(var),))
	return pairs

which does not work since it variables must be quoted also in convertargs. Also directly putting the code of convertarg at the position of the macro call does not work for the same reason. When quoting the whole expression I cannot access the macro arguments.

How can I obtain in array as wanted? I cannot wrap around that the expressions within the array must be quoted but not the returned array itself.

I am also thankfull for some explanations since I seemingly misunderstand something in how macros work.

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This macro should do what you want:

macro cas(args...)
    ret = Expr(:vect)
    for a in args
        push!(ret.args, :(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))))
    return ret

The head of an expression tells us the type of expression, and the args describe the expression. The first line creates an expression with symbol vect as first element, and the for loop adds the ast representations of the tuples to the args of the vector, which define the contents of a vector.


Thank you!

I tried out the followingto get out a tuple from the code:

macro cas(args...)
    ret = Expr(:tuple)
    for a in args
        push!(ret.args, :(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))))
    return ret

and it works. So :vect for Arrays and :tuple for tuples. Can this be generalized? Or are those things documented?

Why do you want to use a macro for this? It would be simpler and just as efficient to use a function to construct the result you’re asking for.

afaik it is not possible to obtain the name of a variable as string in a function

Oh, my mistake, I didn’t notice that you wanted the names of the variables, not their values. Carry on :slightly_smiling_face:

Try dump(:(1+1 == 2))


thank you again!

I had a similar problem yesterday and your post helped me solving it :slight_smile:

I digged a bit further and found that the following code is simpler and even more efficient:

macro cas2(args...)
    s = String.(args)
    v = eval.(args)
    return Tuple(zip(s, v))

or if you are a friend of one-liners you can compress it to

macro cas3(args...)
    return Tuple(zip(String.(args), eval.(args)))

Benchmarking shows

julia> @btime @cas(a, b, c);
  330.636 ns (4 allocations: 160 bytes)

julia> @btime @cas2(a, b, c);
  2.552 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime @cas3(a, b, c);
  2.552 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

You are not measuring what you think you are here, because macro expansion happens before the timing runs. There is never a good reason to use eval in a macro, since you will run into all kinds of scoping and world age issues. eval is also really slow, you are just not measuring it here, because the call happens at macro espansion time.


Thanks for pointing to that!
Shall I delete it? Or we leave it as a bad example… :see_no_evil:

This macro programming can be a bit brain twisting (I must confess that I am a total beginner of macro writing)

For my own understanding I tried different versions to achieve the same result. As I feel that this part of julia is not so well documented in the standard docs, I put the versions here and would be happy to receive comments on what is good Julian style.

# as proposed by @sagartewari01
macro cas(args...)
    ret = Expr(:tuple)
    for a in args
        push!(ret.args, :(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))))
    return ret

# the shortest version, could even be made one-liner ...
macro cas2(args...)
    aa = (:(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))) for a in args)
    return Expr(:tuple, aa...)

# similar to @cas, but using a comprehension
macro cas3(args...)
    aa = Expr(:tuple)
    aa.args = [:(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))) for a in args]
    return aa

# along the lines of classical function programming
macro cas4(args...)
    s = string.(args)
    v = Expr(:tuple, esc.(args)...)
    return :(Expr(:tuple, (zip($s, $v))...))

I have also listed comparative timings, @simeonschaub could perhaps comment, how good that reflects the true performance (or how it could be done better :wink: )

julia> @btime @cas(a1,a2, a2, a3, a4, a5);
  641.316 ns (7 allocations: 304 bytes)

julia> @btime @cas2(a1,a2, a2, a3, a4, a5);
  642.318 ns (7 allocations: 304 bytes)

julia> @btime @cas3(a1,a2, a2, a3, a4, a5);
  644.392 ns (7 allocations: 304 bytes)

julia> @btime @cas4(a1,a2, a2, a3, a4, a5);
  3.555 ÎĽs (22 allocations: 1008 bytes)

I think the one central idea one should keep in mind when writing macros is this:

Macros are not magic: they are a way to transform input syntax into a desired output syntax

In particular, this means:

  1. when writing a function, you first think about which results it should compute given a set of input arguments. Likewise, when writing a macro, the first step should be to think about what code the macro should produce when given a specific input. In this case, even before starting to write the macro, we decided that

    @cas(a, b, c)

    should produce this specific julia code

    (("a", a), ("b", b), ("c", c))

    We took that decision because this particular expression is better (in terms of runtime performance) than others (e.g. using a Vector of Tuples). But this is the only stage where runtime is even a consideration (and, again, it happens before we even start writing the macro)

  2. Now that we know what code the macro should produce, we don’t care about runtime performance. Either a given implementation generates the code we want (and it will achieve the performance associated to that code), or it does not (incorrect => performance does not matter). So we should be primarily concerned with the correctness of a macro, i.e. check that the macro does indeed produce the desired code, when given the right input. The tool to do this is @macroexpand; a working implementation of the macro should behave like this:

    julia> @macroexpand @cas(a,b, c)
    :((("a", a), ("b", b), ("c", c)))

    Again, if we manage to get several correct implementations of the macro, they should all produce the same code (by definition of what “correct” means for a macro) and therefore should always have the same runtime speed.

  3. However, different implementations of the macro might have different expansion-time performances. This will affect the compile-time performance of your code, and if you care about such issues, you can benchmark the macro expansion phase itself. One way of doing this (there might be others) is to turn the macro into a function, and benchmark the function itself as usual:

    julia> function cas_fun(args...)
               ret = Expr(:tuple)
               for a in args
                   push!(ret.args, :(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))))
               return ret
    cas_fun (generic function with 1 method)
    julia> @btime cas_fun(:a, :b, :c)
      593.309 ns (24 allocations: 1.38 KiB)
    :((("a", $(Expr(:escape, :a))), ("b", $(Expr(:escape, :b))), ("c", $(Expr(:escape, :c)))))

    (note how the function call had to be adapted)

Applying such a method here:

  • as early as step 2, we notice that @cas4 is incorrect from our code generation perspective; no wonder it does not yield the same performance as other implementations
  • likewise, as early as step 2 we know that @cas, @cas2 and @cas3 will feature the same runtime performance => no need to test again (such benchmarks should already have been done at step 1, when trying to determine the best expression for the macro to produce)
  • if we benchmark the macro expansion time of all versions, it looks like the original @cas implementation is the fastest:
function cas_fun(args...)
    ret = Expr(:tuple)
    for a in args
        push!(ret.args, :(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))))
    return ret

function cas2_fun(args...)
    aa = (:(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))) for a in args)
    return Expr(:tuple, aa...)

function cas3_fun(args...)
    aa = Expr(:tuple)
    aa.args = [:(($(string(a)), $(esc(a)))) for a in args]
    return aa
julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime cas_fun(:a, :b, :c)
  587.229 ns (24 allocations: 1.38 KiB)
:((("a", $(Expr(:escape, :a))), ("b", $(Expr(:escape, :b))), ("c", $(Expr(:escape, :c)))))

julia> @btime cas2_fun(:a, :b, :c)
  2.735 ÎĽs (27 allocations: 1.48 KiB)
:((("a", $(Expr(:escape, :a))), ("b", $(Expr(:escape, :b))), ("c", $(Expr(:escape, :c)))))

julia> @btime cas3_fun(:a, :b, :c)
  892.550 ns (27 allocations: 1.61 KiB)
:((("a", $(Expr(:escape, :a))), ("b", $(Expr(:escape, :b))), ("c", $(Expr(:escape, :c)))))

Wow, that is a very well written answer and provides lots of clarity!
This text could be part of the regular docs.
Thank you so much! :clap:t2: