General comments on my code for filling a matrix

I wondered if I could get comments on my code. I’ve reviewed the official performance tips and a few blogs discussing achieving high performance.

Unfortunately, since I have a very scant knowledge of computation and memory allocation, I couldn’t improve the following codes more. I understand that any advice will heavily depend on the specific context and structure, but I was wondering if I could get a brief/broad comment, for instance, on which part I could consider for faster speed.

The garbage collecting time is roughly 20%, and I did try profiling but honestly got lost on how to read the result. Any comments would be more than helpful and appreciated.

function tenure_prob(type::String, x::Real, dist_q::Vector{Float64}, surplus::Array{Float64,5})

    @unpack_Parameter param

    if type == "a"
        μ = μ_a
        σ = σ_a
        μ = μ_b
        σ = σ_b
    # Preallocate distributions 
    pdf_ϵ = vcat(0.0,diff(cdf(Normal(0,σ_ϵ), grids.ϵ)))
    pdf_mq = vcat(0.0,diff(cdf(Normal(μ,σ),

    # tenure 0 matrix
    output_0_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m) 

    # tenure 1 matrix 
    output_1_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m, grid_ϵ) 

    # tenure 2 matrix
    output_2_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ)  

    # tenure 3 matrix
    output_3_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ)  

    # tenure 4 matrix 
    output_4_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ) 

    # tenure 5 matrix 
    output_5_success = zeros(grid_n, grid_m, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ, grid_ϵ)  

    @inbounds @threads for (q,mq) in collect(product(1:grid_n,1:grid_m))

        ind_q = findfirst(surplus[:,1,x,1,mq] .> 0.0) # shouldn't matter y 
        ind_q = isnothing(findfirst(surplus[:,1,x,1,mq] .> 0.0)) ? grid_n+1 : ind_q 

        prob_0_success = (q >= ind_q) ? dist_q[q] * pdf_mq[mq] : 0
        output_0_success[q,mq] = prob_0_success

        ind_five_mq = findfirst(surplus[q,1,min(x+5,max_x+1),6,:] .> 0.0)
        ind_five_mq = isnothing(ind_five_mq) ? grid_m+1 : ind_five_mq

        prob_5_success = mq >= ind_five_mq

        val_mq =[mq]

        ind_one_y = findfirst(surplus[q,:,min(x+1,max_x+1),2,mq] .> 0.0) 
        ind_two_y = findfirst(surplus[q,:,min(x+2,max_x+1),3,mq] .> 0.0)
        ind_three_y = findfirst(surplus[q,:,min(x+3,max_x+1),4,mq] .> 0.0)
        ind_four_y = findfirst(surplus[q,:,min(x+4,max_x+1),5,mq] .> 0.0)

        thr_one_y = isnothing(ind_one_y) ? 1e+8 : grids.y[ind_one_y] - val_mq

        for ϵ_1 in 1:grid_ϵ
            prob_1_success = grids.ϵ[ϵ_1] >= thr_one_y ? pdf_ϵ[ϵ_1] : 0 
            output_1_success[q,mq,ϵ_1] = prob_0_success * prob_1_success 

            thr_two_y = isnothing(ind_two_y) ? 1e+8 : 2 * (grids.y[ind_two_y] - val_mq) - grids.ϵ[ϵ_1]  

            for ϵ_2 in 1:grid_ϵ  
                prob_2_success = grids.ϵ[ϵ_2] >= thr_two_y ? pdf_ϵ[ϵ_2] : 0 
                output_2_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2] =  output_1_success[q,mq,ϵ_1] * prob_2_success

                thr_three_y = isnothing(ind_three_y) ? 1e+8 : 3 * (grids.y[ind_three_y] - val_mq) - grids.ϵ[ϵ_1] - grids.ϵ[ϵ_2] 

                prob_3_success = ((grids.ϵ .>= thr_three_y) .* pdf_ϵ)
                @views output_3_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2,:] = output_2_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2] * prob_3_success
                thr_four_y = [isnothing(ind_four_y) ? 1e+8 : 4 * (grids.y[ind_four_y] - val_mq) - grids.ϵ[ϵ_1] - grids.ϵ[ϵ_2] - val_ϵ for val_ϵ in grids.ϵ] 
                @views output_4_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2,:,:] = output_2_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2] * ((grids.ϵ .>= thr_three_y) .* pdf_ϵ) .* ((grids.ϵ' .>= thr_four_y) .* pdf_ϵ')                         
                @views output_5_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2,:,:] = output_4_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2,:,:] * prob_5_success 


    return (prob_0_success = sum(output_0_success), 
    prob_1_success = sum(output_1_success), prob_1_fail = sum(output_0_success) - sum(output_1_success),
    prob_2_success = sum(output_2_success), prob_2_fail = sum(output_1_success) - sum(output_2_success),
    prob_3_success = sum(output_3_success), prob_3_fail = sum(output_2_success) - sum(output_3_success),
    prob_4_success = sum(output_4_success), prob_4_fail = sum(output_3_success) - sum(output_4_success),
    prob_5_success = sum(output_5_success), prob_5_fail = sum(output_4_success) - sum(output_5_success))

Your code is not runnable, it looks like it uses global variables (grids), it allocates lots of small temporary arrays (e.g. thr_four_y, prob_3_success, output_2_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2] * prob_3_success, and many many others) in the inner loops, it assigns to slices (e.g. output_4_success[q,mq,ϵ_1,ϵ_2,:,:]) in the wrong order for locality, and so on… there are so many problems it is hard to comment on all of them.

You’ll get more detailed advice if you make a small (20 lines or so) runnable example that illustrates a simplified version of what you are trying to do, instead of pasting in a large-ish function like this.


This @inbounds will not apply to the @threads code, because @threads creates a closure, and @inbounds doesn’t penetrate it.


Thank you very much!
I’ve struggled to balance readability and giving up those small temporal arrays, but I see your point. I’ll try to develop an executable example that captures the core computation I’m doing.

I didn’t know that. Thanks!