Gen-quickstart i can not install it

Whenever i want to install the package

i type:

and i always failed to download it

before that

i successfully to install Gen and GenViz in the same way (add MIT Probabilistic Computing Project · GitHub…)

how can i solve this probelm?

and if i download its file by

how can i install it?


Hi. In the nicest possible way the repository for contains the recipes fro building a Docker container to run Gen
It is not a Julia package

I am really sorry if I sound rude - I am not being rude to you. I hope the community here can help you.

Probably what you want is

pkg> add Gen

This is the library used in the quick start guide.

See gen-quickstart/Introduction to Modeling in Gen.ipynb at 0f9b30b6bc80e1012c8eb3c967887483dce08045 · probcomp/gen-quickstart · GitHub

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