It would maybe be a nice feature. Given that so many packages have their Docs as part of the same git repo, the problem of outdated links might not be so bad?
I don’t think this exist, but something like it would be nice. Something that you can already do:
This is my package, docs are here:
module MyPackage
which would then show up in help via ?MyPackage. Since most terminals have clickable links this will be very convenient. Not many packages document their module like this though, but maybe you can contribute something like that to the packages you use?
Yeah that is my impression. If this is ever standardized it would be cool to have the git-repo as a fall-back.
I was working with some new packages in R yesterday and I really appreciated being able to write help(thispackage) and have it immediately open up a detailed man page. Especially if you have no idea what even the function names of that package are. It’s a good way to orient oneself.
Stata has the same requirement, where any package on ssc must have a full man page, and I’ve also found that helpful working with new packages.
Readmes of git repos are always included in a package, it would be cool if there were a function that just pulled up the readme of a package. Plus this could be a package and not require PRs to the packages themselves.
The old readme function seemed nice though because it required no effort on the package developer’s part, other than maintaining a readme file, so I think there is still a use-case for the original readme function.
It used to be the case that typing
displayed the docstring or readme for the package. Last time I tried, that functionality seemed to have been removed. Maybe we should put it back?
Modules still get docstrings, it’s just that package authors don’t always write them, which makes sense, because the readme is a de-facto “welcome to this package” document, or the documentation itself.
readreadme(mod::Module) = readreadme(Base.PkgId(mod))
function readreadme(pkg::Base.PkgId)
path = joinpath(dirname(dirname(Base.locate_package(pkg))), "")
return Markdown.parse_file(path)
@readreadme module
Read of `module`.
macro readreadme(ex)
mod = try
catch err
err isa UndefVarError || rethrow()
if mod === nothing