Package MyPackage v$(pkgversion(MyPackage))
MyPackage does this and that, and this text can be the the same as the "About" on it's github page.
Docs under https://mypackageauthor.github.io/MyPackage.jl/
$(isnothing(get(ENV, "CI", nothing)) ? ("\n" * "Package local path: " * pathof(MyPackage)) : "")
module MyPackage
# MyPackage contents
end # MyPackage
Now, on typing
help?> MyPackage
this will produce like following:
search: MyPackage
Package MyPackage v1.0.0
MyPackage does this and that, and this text can be the the same as the "About" on it's github page.
Docs under https://mypackageauthor.github.io/MyPackage.jl/
Package local path: /Users/mypackageauthor/.julia/packages/MyPackage/kWCpa/src/MyPackage.jl
Many (majority?) of the packages do not provide the package docstring. Then, on help for package (like above), Julia would print the whole Readme
. This is seldom really helpful, and especially if Readme
is the actual full documentation, the output into the REPL can be overwhelming.
The docstring according to the template above is very easy to produce, and would inform the user on most basic things about the package. A Ctrl/Cmd click onto the link (in VSCode, at least) would immediately take you to the online docs for all further questions.
What do you think?