I think you’re expressing the question wrong. You are looking for all combinations of integers that sum to a given integer.
That said, I don’t know how to do this without resorting to writing a disgusting recursion myself, but I would be interested to hear good suggestions.
Here’s my quick hack:
function combinations!(list, root, N)
if iszero(N)
return push!(list, root)
start = isempty(root) ? 1 : last(root)
for n = start:N
arr = vcat(root, n)
combinations!(list, arr, N-n)
function combinations(N)
list = Vector{Int64}[]
combinations!(list, Int64[], N)
return list
Note, this does include duplicates, so combinations(3) returns [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], [3]]. Could probably be amended but I don’t feel like it. Nvm I fixed it. Just use start=1 if you prefer to include duplicates. And last(root) + 1 if you want to exclude solutions with non-unique numbers.
using Combinatorics
function sum_combinations(N)
list = Vector{Int64}[]
for i in 2:N
for x in combinations(1:N,i)
if sum(x) == N
push!(list, x)
return list
julia> sum_combinations(7)
4-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 6]
[2, 5]
[3, 4]
[1, 2, 4]
If you intend to do this to larger numbers, you will need to optimize the code a bit. Some information you can use: an upper bound for the length of list can be determined using some combinatorics (and Wikipedia I would guess), and an upper bound for the length of arr is given by n (non-unique) or -1/2 + sqrt(2N+1/4) (unique).
For N=100, your recursive solution runs in less than 0.5 s while (sorry DNF!): collect(Iterators.filter(allunique, partitions(N))) will take >90 s. Never mind about my naif version…
I think this is pretty interesting, running benchmarkcombinatorics(20) (100 made julia panic and kill itself):
using Combinatorics, BenchmarkTools, BenchmarkPlots, StatsPlots
function gustaphe_combinations!(list, root, N; unique=true)
if iszero(N)
return push!(list, root)
start = isempty(root) ? 1 : last(root) + unique
for n = start:N
arr = vcat(root, n)
gustaphe_combinations!(list, arr, N-n)
function gustaphe_combinations(N; unique=true)
list = Vector{Int64}[]
gustaphe_combinations!(list, Int64[], N; unique)
return list
function mschauer_combinations(N; unique=true)
p = partitions(N)
unique && return collect(Iterators.filter(allunique, p))
return collect(p)
function benchmarkcombinatorics(N)
suite = BenchmarkGroup()
suite[:gustapheunique] = @benchmarkable gustaphe_combinations($N; unique=true)
suite[:gustaphenonunique] = @benchmarkable gustaphe_combinations($N; unique=false)
suite[:mschauerunique] = @benchmarkable mschauer_combinations($N; unique=true)
suite[:mschauernonunique] = @benchmarkable mschauer_combinations($N; unique=false)
res = run(suite)
plot(res, [:gustapheunique, :gustaphenonunique, :mschauerunique, :mschauernonunique]; yscale=:log10, fontfamily="Computer Modern")
Obviously, the partitions route gives you an ordered iterator, and is just generally prettier code, but mine does perform better. Especially if you do the unique ones, which isn’t surprising, but even in the non-unique case.
That makes sense. I tried it with x->all(x[1:end-1] .> x[2:end]), which didn’t improve it by that much. But I don’t know if it’s clever enough to short-circuit that one, so if you can think of a better isstrictlydecreasing lmk.
Partitioning 10 000 is going to be absolutely monstrous no matter how you do it. I let length(partitions(10_000)) run for a couple of minutes and it hasn’t returned yet. Note that that is the efficient length it calculates from the generator, so even figuring out how many partitions there are takes longer than I have patience to wait for. Sure, that’s for the non-unique case, but I would not expect there to be an algorithm that isn’t “very slow” to do this.
You’ll want something that is parallelizeable so you can put it in a cluster, so the recursion method is out the window.
It seems the number of partitions approximately approaches \exp\left(\pi\sqrt{\frac{2n}{3}}\right) as n grows, so p(10 000) \approx 2.5e111. You do not want to do this.