In my project ExpandNestedData.jl, I need to compose a series of Iterator functions that are unique for any given input. I was using Iterators.repeat
, Iterators.flatten
, etc. but since each of these returns a parametrized type, things were very type instable.
I solve this with a custom iterator type:
mutable struct NestedIterator{T} <: AbstractArray{T, 1}
Base.getindex(ni::NestedIterator, i) = ni.get_index(i)
"""repeat_each!(c, N) will return an array where each source element appears N times in a row"""
function repeat_each!(c::NestedIterator, n)
c.get_index = c.get_index ∘ ((i) -> unrepeat_each(i, n))
c.column_length *= n
unrepeat_each(i, n) = ceil(Int64, i/n)
"""cycle!(c, n) cycles through an array N times"""
function cycle!(c::NestedIterator, n)
l = length(c)
c.get_index = c.get_index ∘ ((i::Int64) -> uncycle(i, l))
c.column_length *= n
uncycle(i,n) = mod((i-1),n) + 1
"""stack(c1::NestedIterator, c2::NestedIterator)
Return a single NestedIterator which is the result of vcat(c1,c2)
function stack(c1::NestedIterator, c2::NestedIterator)
type = Union{eltype(c1), eltype(c2)}
len = (c1,c2) .|> length |> sum
f = ((i::Int64) -> unstack(i, length(c1), c1.get_index, c2.get_index))
return NestedIterator{type}(f, len)
unstack(i::Int64, c1_len::Int64, f1::Function, f2::Function) = i > c1_len ? f2(i-c1_len) : f1(i)
* code simplified for readability. See full code here.
Basically, I’m using some tricky math to invert the transformation of indices caused by the iterator functions. I pay the price of running the composed function for each index lookup, but the savings on type stability are worth it in my testing.
Now, I’m trying to take optimization one step further and figure out how to reduce the overhead of all of these compositions.
As you can see in the code, right now I’m just composing whatever the previous look up was with the new step. My gut says that this probably isn’t optimal. I know the best approach here is to measure, try something, measure again, but since this is a side project, I don’t really have time to go down every rabbit hole, so I’m curious if anyone has some intution/wisdom on avenues to explore that have the highest chance of payoff.
Potential paths I’ve thought of are to keep track of the order of the steps (repeateach => 1, cycle => 2, stack => 3) and then either
a. foldl compose across the whole thing (maybe the compiler can do some optomization?)
b. build an Expr
of what the composed function would be if everything got inlined and then just eval
that once
@uniment tagging you since it seems like function composition and anonymous functions are your jam
Edit: @fatteneder pointed out that my current implementation also suffers from type instability. Since unpacking a totally undefined data structure into table of undefined size and element types is fundamentally type instable, I guess I should really rephrase the question into something like: “What is the best way to handle unknown types and get back to type stable code as quickly as possible?” I think my custom type is a step in the right direction, my code is significantly faster now, but I’m wondering where to go from here.