As a follow up, I’ve made a basic script that assembles and factorize the discrete operator for a 1D variable coefficient Poisson problem. In this first iteration, I’ve used SparseArrays’ and LinearAlgebra’s functions nonzeros
and cholesky!
as suggested by @stevengj.
- For assembly, I manage to break it into 2 steps: (a) one initial assembly which would allocate all necessary data and (b) an update of the matrix elements by using the function
. This is pretty cool,the update successfully results in 0 allocation. The only thing is that it is difficult to carry out the update since it has to be done using the CSC format since the non-zeros structure is extracted from a matrix already assembled in CSC format. Here, I use the fact that the matrix is symmetric, and I’m not sure how I could assemble directly CSC in a more complicated cases (I’m use to assemble row by row, equation by equation).
- For factorization, I also get 2 steps. The initial factorisation is carries out by
. The update of the factors is made with cholesky!
, however I do not understand why this step allocates memory. Would anyone have an idea? Am I using it in a wrong way?
In the next iteration, I will try the combination of ExtendableSparse and Sparspak, which may ease the matrix element update step(?).
using Plots, Printf, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function NonZeroCOO!(I,J,V, i,j,v, inz)
I[inz] = i
J[inz] = j
V[inz] = v
return inz += 1
function CreateSparseK(nnod, Num, bct)
# Construct initial sparse matrix from triplets
I = ones(Int,3*nnod)
J = ones(Int,3*nnod)
V = zeros(3*nnod)
inz = 1
for inode in 1:nnod # Loop on equations
iC = Num[inode]
if bct[inode] == 1 # BC Dirichlet
inz = NonZeroCOO!(I,J,V, iC,iC,inz, inz)
iS = Num[inode-1]
iN = Num[inode+1]
if bct[inode-1] == 0 # Symmetrise by removing unnecessary Dirichlet connection
inz = NonZeroCOO!(I,J,V, iS,iC,inz, inz) # transpose insertion for CSC, brrr...
inz = UpdateCOO!(I,J,V, iC,iC,inz, inz)
if bct[inode+1] == 0 # Symmetrise by removing unnecessary Dirichlet connection
inz = NonZeroCOO!(I,J,V, iN,iC,inz, inz) # transpose insertion for CSC, brrr...
# Final assembly
K = sparse(I, J, V)
return K, nonzeros(K)
function UpdateSparseK!(K_nz, dy, η, nnod, bct)
# Update non-zeros, K_nz, in CSC format
inz = 1
for inode in 1:nnod # Loop on equations
if bct[inode] == 1
K_nz[inz] = 1.0; inz+=1
eS = η[inode-1]
eN = η[inode]
cC = (1.0 * eN ./ dy + 1.0 * eS ./ dy) ./ dy
cS = -1.0 * eS ./ dy .^ 2
cN = -1.0 * eN ./ dy .^ 2
if bct[inode-1] == 0 # Symmetrise by removing unnecessary Dirichlet connection
K_nz[inz] = cS; inz+=1
K_nz[inz] = cC; inz+=1
if bct[inode+1] == 0 # Symmetrise by removing unnecessary Dirichlet connection
K_nz[inz] = cN; inz+=1
return nothing
function Main_1D_Poisson()
L = 1.0 # domain size
ncy = 1000 # number of cells, ncy+1=number of nodes
Δy = L/ncy # spacing
Num = 1:1:(ncy+1) # dof numbering
η = ones(ncy) # coefficient
bct = zeros(Int,ncy+1) # array that identifies dof type (here Dirichlet:1, else: 0)
bct[1] = 1 # identify BC nodes as Dirichlets
bct[end] = 1 # identify BC nodes as Dirichlets
println("Create initial sparse matrix")
@time Kuu, K_nz = CreateSparseK(ncy+1, Num, bct)
println("Update non-zeros. Achtung, it is CSC: so not trivial!")
@time UpdateSparseK!(K_nz, Δy, η, ncy+1, bct)
println("Initial Cholesky factorisation")
@time Kc = cholesky(Kuu; check = false)
println("Update Cholesky factors reusing old ones: why does this allocate?")
@time cholesky!(Kc,Kuu; check = false)