I am experimenting with Franklin.jl, with the intention of migrating my blog from Hugo.
Suppose I have a bunch of blog posts in a folder structure like
and I would like to autogenerate the list of all posts in blog.md
, not unlike {{ range .Pages }} ... {{ end }}
in Hugo.
How is that done in Franklin? Also, pointers to source code for websites that do this would be appreciated, all the examples I have seen add posts manually.
This should also still work (something similar also powers help.juliahub.com).
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Hi! I am also trying to get the list of posts but the solution in this thread didn’t worked for me.
I am not really sure why. When I evaluate collect(keys(Franklin.ALL_PAGE_VARS))
within my project directory I got an empty list as if I had no pages at all but I do!
You can see my blog here, the code is store at GitHub.
You can create a custom function in Franklin in your utils.jl . This is mine from my blog. You can use it as a starting point
@delay function hfun_blogposts()
today = Dates.today()
curyear = year(today)
curmonth = month(today)
curday = day(today)
list = readdir("content/posts")
filter!(endswith(".md"), list)
function sorter(p)
ps = splitext(p)[1]
url = "content/posts/$ps/"
surl = strip(url, '/')
pubdate = pagevar(surl, "rss_pubdate")
#if isnothing(pubdate)
# return Date(Dates.unix2datetime(stat(surl * ".md").ctime))
#return Date(pubdate, dateformat"yyyy-mm-dd")
sort!(list, by=sorter, rev=true)
io = IOBuffer()
#write(io, """<ul class="blog-posts">""")
write(io, """<div class="franklin-content">""")
for (i, post) in enumerate(list)
if post == "content/index.md"
ps = splitext(post)[1]
write(io, "<li>")
url = "content/posts/$ps/"
url_aux = "./posts/$ps/"
surl = strip(url, '/')
title = pagevar(surl, "title")
pubdate = pagevar(surl, "rss_pubdate")
description = pagevar(surl, "rss_description")
if isnothing(pubdate)
date = "$curyear-$curmonth-$curday"
#date = Date(pubdate, dateformat"yyyy-mm-dd")
write(io, """$pubdate<br>""")
write(io, """<a href="$url_aux">$title</a></b><p>""")
write(io, "</div>")
return String(take!(io))
Then you can go to your markdown page where you want to bring all the blogpost and just call the function using
Notice that you don’t need to add the hfun_
to call the function .
Nice! Thanks. I was able to adequate it to my needs.