Formatting code in vscode

I used to be able to format Julia code in VS Code by right-clicking on the file name and a menu would appear with an option to format my code. (I can use JuliaFormatter in the REPL, but doing this in VS Code was particularly convenient.)
Recently this menu option has vanished and I can’t figure out how to restore it.
(I’m using VS Code on a Mac.)

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Control-Shift-I apparently (I usually just use Control-Shfit-P and search for Format... there.

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Clicking anywhere in the jl file code and hitting SHIFT+ ALT + F, formats the whole document (or right click menu). Not sure if this is the default keybinding of Julia Formatter extension. Not available in the VSCode explorer file tree though.

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Thanks all. I see that if I right click in the editing window (not on the file explorer tree) the Format option is present.