a = [1:10_000_000;]
b = zeros(Int64, length(a))
function double!(x, y)
L = length(x)
for i in 1:L
@inbounds y[i] = 2x[i]
@time double!(a, b)
is much faster than this:
@time begin
L = length(a)
for i in 1:L
@inbounds b[i] = 2a[i]
Complementing, the section about function barriers is also a little relevant. Basically, when the function is called passing a and b it is compiled optimized for two arguments of type Vector{Int64}, while when you do the loop accessing global variables (the only way to do so without a function or let body) the code cannot be optimized to assume a or b are of type Vector{Int64} because, as they are globals they can have their type changed by other parts of the code that the compiler is not looking at the moment.