The code in question takes some interpolants of wind/water vector fields (in the MWE I have replaced these with interpolations of a constant), then constructs a Clump
, which is a system of two first order ODEs for the x, y coordinates of the Clump
. Then, a Raft
is a network of clumps connected by springs with the appropriate spring force. A RectangularRaft
is a Raft
initialized with Clump
s in an evenly-spaced rectangular grid.
There are two files, parameters_mwe.jl
which stores some physical constants:
struct BOMParameters{T<:Real}
function BOMParameters(;
δ::Real = 1.25,
a::Real = 1.0e-4,
ρ::Real = 1027.0e9,
ρa::Real = 1.2e9,
ν::Real = 8.64e-8,
νa::Real = 1.296e-6,
Ω::Real = 2*π,
ϑ0::Real = 10.0)
μ = ν * ρ
μa = νa * ρa
γ = μa/μ
ψ = (im*sqrt(1 - (2/δ - 1)^2) + 2/δ - 1)^(1/3)
Φ = real(im*sqrt(3)/2 * (1/ψ - ψ) - 1/2 * (1/ψ + ψ) + 1)
Ψ = 1/π * acos(1 - Φ) - 1/π * (1 - Φ) * sqrt(1 - (1 - Φ)^2)
α = γ*Ψ/(1 - (1 - γ)*Ψ)
τ = (1 - Φ/6)/(1 - (1 - γ)*Ψ) * (a^2 * ρ / (3*μ*δ^4))
R = (1 - Φ/2)/(1 - Φ/6)
f = 2*Ω*sin(ϑ0*π/180)
return BOMParameters(α, τ, R, f)
struct SpringParameters{F<:Function, T<:Real}
function Base.length(::SpringParameters)
return 1
function Base.iterate(sp::SpringParameters)
return (sp, nothing)
function Base.iterate(::SpringParameters, ::Nothing)
return nothing
function, x::SpringParameters)
print(io, "SpringParameters[1->")
show(io, x.k(1))
print(io, ", ")
show(io, length(x.L))
print(io, "]")
function spring_force_x(x1::Real, x2::Real, y1::Real, y2::Real, parameters::SpringParameters)
k, L = (parameters.k, parameters.L)
d = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)
return k(d)*(x1 - x2)*(L/d - 1)
function spring_force_y(x1::Real, x2::Real, y1::Real, y2::Real, parameters::SpringParameters)
k, L = (parameters.k, parameters.L)
d = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)
return k(d)*(y1 - y2)*(L/d - 1)
And mwe.jl
which constructs all the required functions via ModelingToolkit:
using Interpolations, DifferentialEquations, ModelingToolkit
using LinearAlgebra: ⋅
lon = -180:1:180
lat = -90:0.5:90
time = 0.0:1:365
water = fill(1.0, length(lon), length(lat), length(time))
wind = fill(1.0, length(lon), length(lat), length(time))
interpolant_type = BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid())))
const water_itp = scale(interpolate(water, interpolant_type), lon, lat, time)
const wind_itp = scale(interpolate(water, interpolant_type), lon, lat, time)
MaterialDerivativeX(VF, x, y, t) = gradient(VF, x, y, t) ⋅ [VF(x, y, t), VF(x, y, t), 1.0]
MaterialDerivativeY(VF, x, y, t) = gradient(VF, x, y, t) ⋅ [VF(x, y, t), VF(x, y, t), 1.0]
Vorticity(VF, x, y, t) = gradient(VF, x, y, t)[1] - gradient(VF, x, y, t)[2]
@variables t
ddt = Differential(t)
v_x(x, y, t) = water_itp(x, y, t)
v_y(x, y, t) = water_itp(x, y, t)
Dv_xDt(x, y, t) = MaterialDerivativeX(water_itp, x, y, t)
Dv_yDt(x, y, t) = MaterialDerivativeY(water_itp, x, y, t)
u_x(x, y, t, α) = (1 - α) * water_itp(x, y, t) + α * wind_itp(x, y, t)
u_y(x, y, t, α) = (1 - α) * water_itp(x, y, t) + α * wind_itp(x, y, t)
Du_xDt(x, y, t, α) = (1 - α) * MaterialDerivativeX(water_itp, x, y, t) + α * MaterialDerivativeX(wind_itp, x, y, t)
Du_yDt(x, y, t, α) = (1 - α) * MaterialDerivativeY(water_itp, x, y, t) + α * MaterialDerivativeY(wind_itp, x, y, t)
ω(x, y, t) = Vorticity(water_itp, x, y, t)
@register_symbolic v_x(x, y, t)
@register_symbolic v_y(x, y, t)
@register_symbolic Dv_xDt(x, y, t)
@register_symbolic Dv_yDt(x, y, t)
@register_symbolic u_x(x, y, t, α)
@register_symbolic u_y(x, y, t, α)
@register_symbolic Du_xDt(x, y, t, α)
@register_symbolic Du_yDt(x, y, t, α)
@register_symbolic ω(x, y, t)
@register_symbolic spring_force_x(x1, x2, y1, y2, parameters)
@register_symbolic spring_force_y(x1, x2, y1, y2, parameters)
function Clump(
ps = @parameters α = clump_parameters.α τ = clump_parameters.τ R = clump_parameters.R f = clump_parameters.f
@variables x(t) = xy0[1] y(t) = xy0[2]
@variables Fx(t) Fy(t)
eqs = [
ddt(x) ~ u_x(x, y, t, α) + τ * (
R*Dv_xDt(x, y, t) - R*(f + ω(x, y, t)/3)*v_y(x, y, t) - Du_xDt(x, y, t, α) + (f + R*ω(x, y, t)/3)*u_y(x, y, t, α) + Fx
ddt(y) ~ u_y(x, y, t, α) + τ * (
R*Dv_yDt(x, y, t) + R*(f + ω(x, y, t)/3)*v_x(x, y, t) - Du_yDt(x, y, t, α) - (f + R*ω(x, y, t)/3)*u_x(x, y, t, α) + Fy
return ODESystem(eqs, t, [x, y, Fx, Fy], ps; name)
function Raft(
N_clumps = size(xy0, 1)
@named clump 1:N_clumps i -> Clump(xy0[i,:], clump_parameters[i])
forces_x = [clump[i].Fx ~ sum([spring_force_x(clump[i].x, clump[j].x, clump[i].y, clump[j].y, spring_parameters[i, j])] for j = 1:N_clumps if j != i)[1]
for i = 1:N_clumps
forces_y = [clump[i].Fy ~ sum([spring_force_y(clump[i].x, clump[j].x, clump[i].y, clump[j].y, spring_parameters[i, j])] for j = 1:N_clumps if j != i)[1]
for i = 1:N_clumps
eqs = [forces_x ; forces_y]
return compose(ODESystem(eqs, t; name = name), clump[1:N_clumps]...)
function RectangularRaft(
# a rectangular mesh
network = reverse.(collect(Iterators.product(reverse(y_range), x_range))) # reverse so that the first row has the largest y
n_col = length(x_range)
n_row = length(y_range)
N_clumps = length(network)
xy0 = Matrix{Float64}(undef, N_clumps, 2)
clump_parameters_raft = Vector{BOMParameters}(undef, N_clumps)
spring_parameters_raft = Matrix{SpringParameters}(undef, N_clumps, N_clumps)
n(i, j) = (i - 1) * n_col + j
for i = 1:n_row
for j = 1:n_col
xy0[n(i, j), :] .= network[i, j]
clump_parameters_raft[n(i, j)] = clump_parameters
connections = filter(idx -> (1 <= idx[1] <= n_row) && (1 <= idx[2] <= n_col), [(i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j+1)])
connections = map(x->n(x...), connections)
spring_parameters_raft[n(i, j), connections] .= spring_parameters
spring_parameters_raft[n(i, j), setdiff(1:N_clumps, connections)] .= SpringParameters(k->0, 0)
return Raft(xy0, clump_parameters_raft, spring_parameters_raft, name = name)
function sol(n)
@info "Generating model."
x0, y0 = 0.0, 0.0
x_range = range(start = x0 - 5, length = n, stop = x0 + 5)
y_range = range(start = y0 - 5, length = n, stop = y0 + 5)
clump_parameters = BOMParameters()
spring_parameters = SpringParameters(k -> 20, 0.4)
@named RRaft = RectangularRaft(x_range, y_range, clump_parameters, spring_parameters)
@time RRaft = structural_simplify(RRaft)
t_range = (0.0, 1.0)
@info "Generating problem."
@time prob = ODEProblem(RRaft, [], t_range, [], jac = true, sparse = true)
@info "Solving problem."
@time sol = solve(prob)
return sol
The argument n
of sol
basically controls how many Clump
s there are (n^2
). In general, n
could be very large (say ~100) but even with n = 10
I find that the first run of solve()
takes ~ 125 s and the second takes ~ 0.008 s. See here:
Is there anything I can do about this?
parameters_mwe.jl (1.6 KB)
mwe.jl (5.1 KB)