Humorously i can’t figure out how it’s supposed to work through the PR. I looked in the documentation through search, and none of the reverse methods that show up are the one I think I’m looking for (incidentally the first one that shows up is for String).
So naturally i ran methods() on reverse and found,
[ 10] reverse(A::Array{T,N} where N; dims) where T in Base at arraymath.jl:62
But I’m not actually sure the dims in that method is a dims keyword, but it seems likely.
But that didn’t help me located it in the documentation, i.e. i’m searching through the array stuff by hand and not finding it, wondering if maybe it’s in the documentation for an ArrayMath package, or something, because arraymath is not Base.
I was struggling with something similar, and was told to run Julia v0.7:
it gives deprecation warnings.
Specifically, A=[1 2; 3 4]; flipdim(A,2) yields
┌ Warning: `flipdim(A, d)` is deprecated, use `reverse(A, dims=d)` instead.
I find that using ? funcname(a) to get just the documentation for the relevant method sometimes works and sometimes does not. Is there a rhyme and reason? Or does this need a bug report? For example: ? reverse prints all doc strings for reverse, as expected. And s = "cat"; followed by ? reverse(s) does print only docs for reverse(::AbstractString), which is the desired behavior. But, contrast with the following: ? empty prints documentation for three methods. Doing d = Dict(1 => 2); followed by ? empty(d) prints documentation for two methods, those for AbstractDict and AbstractVector. If I load packages on top of those at startup then ? empty(d) prints even more methods.
I find that the example above, ? empty(d) gives the same result for versions (modulo beta versions) of Julia 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8. Searching the issues with queries such as “documentation method repl” doesn’t turn anything up.