Filtering doctests issue

I’m trying to filter in a jldoctest the lines of [ Info: blocks. I’m trying this, within a docstring of a function:

```jldoctest ;filter = r"^\\s*\\[ Info:.*"m => ""

but that is not filtering. The corresponding regexp, without escaping the \, works fine:

julia> str = """
        [ Info: Failed downloading from `download` PDB repository, trying `view` repository ...
           Vector{Atom{Nothing}} with 1870 atoms with fields:
           index name resname chain   resnum  residue        x        y        z occup  beta model segname index_pdb
               1    N     SER     A      225        1   45.228   84.358   70.638  1.00 67.05     1                 1

julia> println(replace(str, r"^\s*\[ Info:.*"m => ""))

    Vector{Atom{Nothing}} with 1870 atoms with fields:
    index name resname chain   resnum  residue        x        y        z occup  beta model segname index_pdb
        1    N     SER     A      225        1   45.228   84.358   70.638  1.00 67.05     1                 1

what am I missing?