Hello. I am writing some in which I take a time series of some coordinates x, y, z and must transform them to another coordinate system via some set of functions X = X(x, y, z), Y = Y(x, y, z) and Z = Z(x, y, z). I would like to do this with minimal memory allocations. As a first step in trying to optimise my code, I would like to understand why the following function is not zero allocating:
using BenchmarkTools
function func!(x1::AbstractVector{Float64}, x0::AbstractVector{Float64})
x1[1] = x0[1]
x1[2] = x0[2]
x1[3] = x0[3]
x1 = zeros(3)
x2 = ones(3)
@btime func!(x1, x2);
For the special case of 3-vectors (or other relatively small arrays with a constant size that is less than ~100 elements) you should strongly consider StaticArrays.jl. In particular, SVector is non-allocating (not even initially) and even faster (at small sizes) than Vector.
SVector is not mutable (MVector is, but is usually worse than SVector), so your code above wouldn’t work as written. But I find that code written with immutables is usually “nicer” and more performant than mutating code.