Hello People,
I am rather new to Julia so I would be very thankful if someone was able to help or guide me, I am trying to plot a 2D grid of 126 3-nodes triangular finite elements with color representing a main strain.
I have the CSVDataMatrix with the coordinates of the 80 nodes’ xy coordinates in the third and fourth column, another 3*126 matrix with the connectivity of the nodes called Conectivity, and an array with the 126 strains relative to each element. So I wanted to paint each element in a range of colors depending the value of said straing, but, as every datta is discrete, I havent been able to properly use heatmap().
Thanks in advance.
for i=1:Num_Ele
global SecondPlot
SecondPlot=plot!(CSVDataMatrix[1:Col_Points,3,framenum],CSVDataMatrix[1:Col_Points,4,framenum]) #upper line plot
SecondPlot=plot!(CSVDataMatrix[1:10:71,3,framenum],CSVDataMatrix[1:10:71,4,framenum]) #ending points
SecondPlot=scatter!(CSVDataMatrix[:,3,framenum],CSVDataMatrix[:,4,framenum],legend=false) #wanted to see the points aswell