Hi everyone,
I’m having some troubles with the Distributed functionalities of Julia.
I want to declare a matrix A on the main process and give slices of A to the workers. I launch Julia with the command julia -p 8
@everywhere using SparseArrays
A = sprandn(16,16,0.2) #To my understanding, A exists on proc1
@everywhere begin
if myid() != 1
i = myid() -1
top = 2*(i-1) + 1
bot = 2*i #To my understanding, on proc 2, top = 1,bot =2. On proc 3, top=3, bot=4, etc.
A = @fetchfrom 1 A[top:bot, :] #To my understanding, on procs 2 to 9, A is a slice of A from the proc 1
@everywhere println(A.nzval)
# And now I see that all workers but 4 have the same slice of the bottom of initial matrix A!
I’m really confused. If only all workers had the same bottom slice of initial A, I would’ve told myself : maybe there’s a reason why variables top and bot are always equal to 15 and 16. But apparently one of the workers (here worker number 4) ended up with the top slice of the initial matrix A! To my understanding, when I type @fetchfrom 1 A[top:bot, :], it decomposes as such :
- A Future is created on processor 1 with argument myid() of worker, the function to be called is getindex implemented in SparseArrays, the args are given as copies of top and bot, i.e brute values 15 and 16 for example
- This future is given as an argument to function fetch on myid() worker
Even more confusing to me : if I just type “A”, I still get the whole 16*16 matrix. However if I execute a second time the @everywhere begin … end block of instructions, now I get bound errors, as A was modified on proc 1 to be affected to a slice! But this block of instructions specifically excluded proc 1 from any instructions!
Last question : I’m confused by the philosophy of having one process being the master, one other process (the second one) being a worker, but the both of them really being one physical core. To my understanding, the 8 cores computing things are the processes 2 to 9. Am I doing this right?
Thank you in advance
Best regards