[feedback] Make Julia as Pythonic as possible

I was searching for best programming language which format and syntaxes like Python but as fast as c programming.

I found Julia, and i am very thankful to that. But seeing those codes, Julia programming have stepper learning curve.
Dear developers of Julia, Is it possible to make Julia as pythonic as possible,

As we know,
There is reason why python become popular is because of simpleness.

Can Julia adopt python zen principles?

*** Beautiful is better than ugly.**
*** Explicit is better than implicit.**
*** Simple is better than complex.**
*** Complex is better than complicated.**
*** Flat is better than nested.**
*** Sparse is better than dense.**
*** Readability counts.**
*** Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.**
*** Although practicality beats purity.**
*** Errors should never pass silently.**
*** Unless explicitly silenced.**
*** In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.**
*** There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.**
*** Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.**
*** Now is better than never.**
*** Although never is often better than right**
*** If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.**
*** If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
*** Namespaces are one honking great idea—let’s do more of those!

Please make it total pythonic like ASAP,

Please!! please!!

Could you provide an example of two codes doing the same thing, at the same speed, and which you think is more readable in python than in Julia?

I think you will find plenty of codes which are faster in Julia and perhaps harder to read, but the equivalent in python does not exist, the equivalent is probably a C++ implementation which is even harder.


It’s great that you’re excited about Julia (and Python)!

At this point the syntax is not going to change in major ways. If you spend time with Julia you will find that the learning curve is not overly steep (just remember that it isn’t Python). The language has been carefully designed, and it shows!


If you want python, then why don’t you use python?

Julia is its own language at this point.

I think it is fine if some people stick with python, if that’s what they truly prefer.


I don’t think that python is simpler than julia, and julia code is certainly much better looking! What examples do you have where python code is simpler and nicer?


I always wondered why people repeat that this is easy to read (what are those __ about, anyway?):

class Person:
  def __init__(self, name, age):
    self.name = name
    self.age = age

p1 = Person("John", 36)

In particular in comparison to this:

struct Person
p1 = Person("John",36)

Indeed, Performance matters , It is not forgotting that Julia syntax is cool+speedy, thats also matters, that is the it is getting popular as people are telling (as high level syntax and as fast as c).

Please dont mine my words, It is only my suggestion, as I am user,as new programming language It is my right to give feedback to developers, Hope they will listen.
thanks :slight_smile:


I am being honest in my question. I am a Former Fortran programmer, and, compared to Fortran, I never felt that Python was particularly easy to read. Of course Python offered a lot of things that Fortran didn’t, such that I had to use it often.

Julia I think is easier to read than Python, except if you try to read heavily optimized code for performance (much of the base Julia is, and I have a hard time reading it as well), but that kind of code don’t even exist in Python, so think there is no comparison there.

The more “script like” code is, in my opinion, the same or even easier to read in Julia than in Python, and will probably be faster in Julia, if that matters.


Yes , Julia is its own language c++ had, r had, matlab had, c had, java had, but you didnt get ZEN principal

Your comment is is rude,
if theres something extraodinary on another concept it is good to import it.


  1. welcome to Julia
  2. Python was built on the Zen of Python
    Julia was build on the Greed of Julia
    Part of this greed is to take the best features of the other languages & build them into Julia. Hence, in some ways the best parts of the Zen of Python are built into Julia.
  3. Give it some time. As you learn more Julia I think you will come to appreciate the beauty & power of the Julian Greed.

Thanks for the enthusiasm, @newtojulia and welcome to the community! I’m afraid that I’ve seen this sort of vague comparison thread go poorly too often and be productive never so I’m gonna just close it before it gets heated.