FE Discretisation for embedded cables

Hi there,
I’m trying to automate the discritization of FE meshes for High voltage cables embedded in the ground. This is to conduct thermal analysis and parameterise the geometry of the cable (cables with tri cores).

I wanted to move to Julia, but I think the meshing facilities are not mature enough unfortunately. I’ve tried to use this package called meshes.jl which seems promising. However, I’m finding it difficult to even create the meshing within the cable (an offset circle within a bigger circle. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

using Meshes
import CairoMakie as Mke
Y = [3 * cos(π/20 * (j-1)) for j in 1:40];
X = [3 * sin(π/20 * (j-1)) for j in 1:40];

A = Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}(undef, 0)
for i in 1:40
    Tup = (X[i],Y[i])

Y = [ 1+cos(π/20 * (j-1)) for j in 1:40];
X = [ sin(π/20 * (j-1)) for j in 1:40];

B = Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}(undef, 0)
for i in 1:40
    Tup = (X[i],Y[i])

ring = Ring(A)
ring1 = Ring(B)
Poly = PolyArea([A,B]) 
boundary = [A, B]

discretize(Poly ) |> viz

Many thanks for any suggestions

Meshes.jl maintainer here. What is the issue you’re having ?

Consider Circle, Disk, Sphere and Ball as related primitive geometries.

You can discretize these geometries to get rings, meshes etc.

Notice that rings of a polygon must have a certain orientation. The outer ring must be CCW and the inner rings must be CW.

You can fix that in general by sending the PolyArea to the Repair(11) transform.

the mesh created by the example above doesnt seem to fully respect the boundary (circular hole in the middle).

i want to assign different thermal parameters inside and outside the hole created. does that make sense?

Can you please make sure the orientation of rings is correct as explained above?

sorry Juliohm , i am fairly new to this and lack knowledge but i dont understand what orientation the circles (created by the closed rings) have. i will look into the cw etc.

No worries. I am typing from my phone, but try the following:

s1 = Sphere((0,0), 1)
s2 = s1 |> Scale(2)

r1 = discretize(s1)
r2 = discretize(s2)

p = PolyArea(r2, reverse(r1))

m = discretize(p)
s1 = Sphere((0.0,0.0),1.0)
s2 =s1 |> Scale(2)
r1 = discretize(s1)
viz(r1, showsegments = true)
r2 = discretize(s2)
p = PolyArea(r2,reverse(r1))
m = discretize(p) |> viz

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching reverse(::SimpleMesh{𝔼{…}, CoordRefSystems.Cartesian2D{…}, Vector{…}, GridTopology{…}})
The function `reverse` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.

Closest candidates are:
   @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/dVEMd/src/colorschemes.jl:152
   @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/dVEMd/src/colorschemes.jl:265
   @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/dVEMd/src/colorschemes.jl:76

 [1] top-level scope
   @ Untitled-2:35
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

I did get some further by reversing the direction of the Y vector I put into tuples. Any idea of how I can refine the mesh further and bring more balanced triangles in?

I dont recall now but maybe we changed the output type of discretize on 2D sphere.

You can check the official docs of the package to learn about the different discretization methods available. It should contain examples.

The reverse of the inner ring is all you need to create a valid PolyArea.

The discretization methods will take the PolyArea as input and will produce the mesh with the properties you are after.

@Br0BOLE below is a commented example:

# reference sphere
s = Sphere((0, 0), 1)

# parameter range
ts = 0.01:0.01:0.99

# outer ring
o = Ring([s(t) for t in ts])

# inner ring
i = Ring([s(t) |> Scale(0.5) for t in reverse(ts)])

# polygonal area
p = PolyArea(o, i)

m = discretize(p, DelaunayTriangulation())

viz(m, showsegments=true)

These triangles are not good for the FEM. Recent releases of DelaunayTriangulation.jl allow discretization with outer and inner boundaries, so we should probably update our code to produce better triangles by default.

What you can do currently is refine the mesh with TriRefinement and a predicate function, or use DelaunayTriangulation.jl directly.

You can also just use an external mesh generator like Gmsh, and load the resulting mesh into Julia. Or use it directly from Julia, via Gmsh.jl.

FYI, mesh generators TetGen and Triangle are available via TetGen.jl and Triangulate.jl, respectively.

We also maintain ExtendableGrids.jl and SimplexGridFactory.jl to ease their use.

thanks very much all. i will contimue to play with meshes and the other suggested package and get back with any conclusions Juliohm.

@Br0BOLE the Delaunay triangulation takes a set of points as input and a set of indices of points marking the boundary. By default we only use the boundary points of polygons, leading to the triangles illustrated above.

If you need triangles with better angles, you can insert more points in the list. Below is a helper function that samples points inside the polygonal area according to a minimum distance, and then calls the underlying Delaunay routine to create the mesh:

using Meshes
using Unitful

import DelaunayTriangulation as DT

# alpha is the minimum distance between points
function mydiscretize(poly::Polygon, α=0.05)
  verts = map(rings(poly)) do ring

  offset = 0
  bverts = [[Int[]] for _ in 1:length(verts)]
  for i in 1:length(verts)
    nverts = length(verts[i])
    bverts[i][1] = [(offset + 1):(offset + nverts); (offset + 1)]
    offset += nverts

  points1 = reduce(vcat, verts)
  points2 = sample(poly, MinDistanceSampling(α)) |> collect
  points = [points1; points2]

  coords = map(p -> ustrip.(to(p)), points)

  triang = DT.triangulate(coords, boundary_nodes=bverts)
  connec = connect.(DT.each_solid_triangle(triang))

  SimpleMesh(points, connec)

m = mydiscretize(p, 0.05)

viz(m, showsegments=true)

This function is a workaround. We will try to find the time to incorporate this function into our Meshes.jl machinery to faciliate the lives of end-users.

The downside of the above implementation is that it relies on another discretization of the geometry to sample points in the interior. We can do better with primitive geometries like balls, sphere, etc.

I ran the example with the same polygon p of my previous comment above.

thanks Juliohm