Hi everyone,
Pretty basic question…
I was experimenting with indexing arrays with logical arrays. For instance, say I have an array shaped (10000,2)
and I need to extract all the indices where the sum across the columns is less than a threshold. What would be the best Julian way to do it? I tried list comprehension but that is slower than the method below
using BenchmarkTools
# what I could think of ?
function getindicesVectorized(x::Array)
return x[getindex.(findall(sum(x, dims=2) .<= 1), 1), :];
function getindicesListComp(x::Array)
ind = findall(sum(x, dims=2) .<= 1)
temp = [x[ind[i][1], :] for i in 1:length(ind)]
return hcat(temp...)';
points = rand(10000,2)
julia> @btime getindicesVectorized($points)
32.201 μs (15 allocations: 279.70 KiB)
It seems to be fast and readable (see equivalent numpy version), but I was wondering if there would be a faster way to do this ?
What I would do in python naively
import numpy as np
from timeit import timeit
points = np.random.random((10000,2))
In [8]: %timeit points[np.sum(points, axis=1) <= 1, :]
212 µs ± 2.73 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
Thanks in advance !!