Hi, I am fairly new to multi-threading in Juila and am having trouble finding the best procedure to avoid data races in an a section of code I am writing.
The code uses a monte carlo method to generate values that are then assigned to specific locations in a large 6D array based on some conditions and a second array is used to keep a tally of sampled points. Something like (I cannot share the actual code):
lk = ReentrantLock()
Threads.@threads :static for iThreads in 1:nThreads
#update arrays
if (1<=loc1<=num1)
ArrayofValues[loc1+2,loc2,loc3,loc4,loc5,loc6] += val
elseif (loc1 > num1)
ArrayofValues[2,loc2,loc3,loc4,loc5,loc6] += val
else (loc1 < num1)
ArrayofValues[1,loc2,loc3,loc4,loc5,loc6] += val
@view(ArrayofTallys[:,loc2,loc3,loc4,loc5,loc6] .+= 1
These arrays are large but in general so the likelihood of two threads editing the same elements of the arrays at the same time is low but non-zero, hence the use of the lock. However this tends to makes the code slower than the serial version. Is there an efficient way to edit small sections/views of arrays without needing to lock the whole thing? Or is there a better approach that I should attempt to take?
edits: square brackets for array indexing.