Looks like GMT/libgdal? expects a newer version of libstdc++ than the one julia 1.7.3 ships with (which is the .29 one, I think). This is so bleeding edge, not even master has it yet, I believe. I ran into a similar issue a few days ago. Probably worth an issue in julia, to bump the version and backport that to 1.8 if possible.
I’m not using anything different than always had. Maybe Conda did, but not me.
And if *nix didn’t find so amusing breaking compatibility all the times that would help a bit too
libstdc++ is mostly backward compatible meaning that you can run with a new libstdc++ a library built using an old libstdc++, but not forward compatible, meaning that generally you can’t run with an old libstdc++ a library built with a newer libstdc++. That’s why in the JLL world to maximise compatibility we try to always use the oldest version of GCC possible (and at the same time try to ship in Julia a decently recent libstdc++). But compiling libraries for general consumption on different systems with the super latest version of GCC is begging for troubles (whoever did it).
Maybe I should add an @info right before that step that tells people they can ignore the “Some registries failed to update” and “registry dirty” messages.