Fail to update my own Package


I have created the package EspyInsideFunction.jl, which is publicly available on GIT and is in the Julia registry.

I have updated EspyInsideFunction.jl: a new commit of master, with tag ``0.1.2`. Pushed, and checked that the new version is out there on GITHUB.

Then I’m ggod to go, right?

(@v1.7) pkg> add EspyInsideFunction.jl
    Updating registry at `C:\Users\philippem\.julia\registries\JuliaComputingRegistry`
    Updating registry at `C:\Users\philippem\.julia\registries\General.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
ERROR: expected package `EspyInsideFunction [2b54c6b0]` to be registered

What is it I forgot to do?


In the last commit, you need to comment @JuliaRegistrator register to trigger the registraton of the updated version.

Oh thank you! Muito obrigado! :grinning:

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Thanks to Imiq’s solution, I can now successfully update EspyInsideFunction in Julia’s default project environment.
The next step for is to do the same within another environment, that of my (unpublished) Lithe project. But there update is followed by a failed compilation (by the way, Lithe is not expected to work with EspyInsideFunction v0.1.0). I think I get more information by removing then adding EspyInsideFunction:

(Lithe) pkg> add EspyInsideFunction
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `C:\Users\philippem\Documents\GIT\lithe\Project.toml`
  [d6b55740] + EspyInsideFunction v0.1.0
    Updating `C:\Users\philippem\Documents\GIT\lithe\Manifest.toml`
  [d6b55740] + EspyInsideFunction v0.1.0
Precompiling project...
  ✗ Lithe
  0 dependencies successfully precompiled in 5 seconds (217 already precompiled)       
  1 dependency errored. To see a full report either run `import Pkg; Pkg.precompile()` 
or load the package

Still that old version!

So I take my gloves off, remove the package again and point explicitly to GITHUB and success!:

(Lithe) pkg> add ""
    Updating git-repo ``
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `C:\Users\philippem\Documents\GIT\lithe\Project.toml`
  [2b54c6b0] + EspyInsideFunction v0.1.2 ``
    Updating `C:\Users\philippem\Documents\GIT\lithe\Manifest.toml`
  [2b54c6b0] + EspyInsideFunction v0.1.2 ``
Precompiling project...
  1 dependency successfully precompiled in 14 seconds (217 already precompiled)  

So my question: commenting @JuliaRegistrator register in my espy commit made it possible to update espy in the base environment. But in my Lithe environment I had to bypass the Julia registry (I think that’s what I did by providing my repo’s URL). Why the difference? What did I miss?

:roll_eyes: :grinning:

And just to prove that I am still not understanding the system:
I zip the code from Lithe, transfer it to a greenfield computer (with Julia 1.7.2 installed). There, I intend to dev it, and I point to the local copy of the code.

My intention is that Pkg will find that Lithe v0.3.1 has dependendy EspyInsideFunction v1.2.0, look up the package registry, go to espy’s GIT repo and install it.

But I get:

(@v1.7) pkg> dev "C:\Users\philippem\C home\GIT\lithe"
   Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package EspyInsideFunction [2b54c6b0]:
EspyInsideFunction [2b54c6b0] log:
├─EspyInsideFunction [2b54c6b0] has no known versions!
└─restricted to versions * by Lithe [f328f230] — no versions left
   └─Lithe [f328f230] log:
     ├─possible versions are: 0.3.1 or uninstalled
     └─Lithe [f328f230] is fixed to version 0.3.1

which I fail to understand

You have a corrupted registry, delete it and reinstall it:

]registry rm General
registry add General


YES, that was it!!! Thank you

: )
