The following very simple code takes about 25 seconds to run:
using CSV
#pulseit = CSV.Rows("Data_CH0@DT5790N_13963_run_192.csv")
pulseit = CSV.Rows("foo.csv")
(curr_pulse, pulse_state) = iterate(pulseit)
(next_pulse, pulse_state) = iterate(pulseit, pulse_state)
I’m just running “time julia process.jl” at the command line, and the user time is 25.265s. The lengthy foo.csv file is:
$ cat foo.csv
Am I missing something obvious?
(Incidentally, the reason for using an iterator instead of just a for loop is the fact that I’ll eventually have two separate very large files that I’ll be iterating over simultaneously, but one of them iterates much faster than the other.)
I’ve done a couple of simple tests, just to see if I can isolate what’s going on.
- Timing a simple println(“Hello, World!”) script takes 0.1s to start and run, which certainly seems reasonable.
- Simply adding “using CSV” as the first line of my hello world file extends the runtime to 2.6s. That seems pretty ridiculous, but it’s not 25s.