Exporting 3D Makie Plots to .stl files?

Thanks for the info. I didn’t see an example of writing a .stl file in that post and the .obj file looks like it’s being written manually (line by line). I was wondering if there was a more automated/batteries-included solution. For example, if I produce the following plot (from beautiful.makie.org):

using GLMakie

u = LinRange(0.8, 6, 50)
v = LinRange(0, 2π, 50)
X1 = [u for u in u, v in v]
Y1 = [(1/u) * cos(v) for u in u, v in v]
Z1 = [(1/u) * sin(v) for u in u, v in v]

fig = Figure(resolution=(1200, 800))
ax = LScene(fig[1, 1], show_axis=false)
surface!(ax, -X1, -Y1, Z1;
    shading=true, ambient=Vec3f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65),
    backlight=1.0f0, color=sqrt.(X1 .^ 2 .+ Y1 .^ 2 .+ Z1 .^ 2),
    colormap=Reverse(:bone_1), transparency=true,

Is there an easy way to save this as a .STL file?