Suppose we would like to solve the following problem :
min ||Ax - b||_2^2, s.t. x.>0
using OptimizationOptimJl.
One way to write it would be as follows:
using Optimization, OptimizationOptimJL
function obj_f(x,p)
A = p[1]
b = p[2]
return sum((A* x - b).^2)
function solve_problem(A,b)
optf = Optimization.OptimizationFunction(obj_f,Optimization.AutoForwardDiff())
prob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(optf, ones(size(A, 2)), (A,b), lb=zeros(size(A, 2)), ub=Inf * ones(size(A, 2)))
x = OptimizationOptimJL.solve(prob, OptimizationOptimJL.LBFGS(), maxiters=5000, maxtime=100)
return x
The code above works, but it has a big drawback;
The first time you run it, it takes forever.
E.g., in my machine, running the command:
@time solve_problem(rand(10,100),rand(10))
for the first run:
95.392393 seconds (7.30 M allocations: 638.607 MiB, 0.29% gc time, 99.61% compilation time)
and for the second run:
1.916750 seconds (334.38 k allocations: 819.706 MiB, 1.86% gc time)
Is there anything that can be improved to mitigate this delay?
Any further performance tips on the code above would be more than welcome.
I’m aware that JuMP or another package would probably be more suitable for the job, but this is to be implemented in a package where OptimizationOptimJl is already a dependency for other reasons, so I’d like to avoid adding further dependencies if possible.