Example C vs Julia vs Python

So I just quickly went through and wrapped the code in a let block, removed all the const annotations and put @inbounds in front of all the loops and the first time I run the code I get

 elapsed CPU time: 0.668674 seconds
 elapsed real time: 0.799 seconds

and the second time (now that all the functions are compiled) I get

 elapsed CPU time: 0.543445 seconds
 elapsed real time: 0.551 seconds

Here’s my modified code:

using CPUTime


    start = time()

    #Set constants - these are physical domain sizes for the FDTD problem  (nearly a cubic space)
    SizeX = 48
    SizeY = 47
    SizeZ = 47

    MaxTime = 150 #this is the time domain size for the FDTD problem

    Cdtds = 1.0/(sqrt(3.0)) #Courant number
    imp0 = 377.0 #characteristic impedance of free space
    abccoef = (Cdtds - 1.0)/(Cdtds + 1.0) #coefficient associated with boundary conditions
    ppw = 15 #points per wave

    #initialize arrays to store electric and magnetic field values in 3D space 
    Ex = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 
    Ey = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 
    Ez = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 

    Hx = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 
    Hy = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 
    Hz = zeros(Float64,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ)) 

    #Define arrays for plotting results.  
    Eout = zeros(Float64,(SizeY,SizeZ,MaxTime)) #Ouput will be electric field on a 2D cross section 
    tvar = collect(1:MaxTime) #time array

    #Set electric field update coefficients
    Cexe = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Cexh = fill(Cdtds * imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    Ceye = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Ceyh = fill(Cdtds * imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    Ceze = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Cezh = fill(Cdtds * imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    #Set magnetic field update coefficients
    Chxh = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Chxe = fill(Cdtds / imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    Chyh = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Chye = fill(Cdtds / imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    Chzh = fill(1.0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))
    Chze = fill(Cdtds / imp0,(SizeX,SizeY,SizeZ))

    #Initialize temporary variables for absorbing boundary condition (ABC) function
    Eyx0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeY-1,SizeZ))
    Ezx0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeY,SizeZ-1)) 
    Eyx1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeY-1,SizeZ))
    Ezx1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeY,SizeZ-1))

    Exy0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX-1,SizeZ))
    Ezy0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX,SizeZ-1))
    Exy1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX-1,SizeZ))
    Ezy1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX,SizeZ-1))

    Exz0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX-1,SizeY))
    Eyz0 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX,SizeY-1))
    Exz1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX-1,SizeY))
    Eyz1 = zeros(Float64, (SizeX,SizeY-1))

    #update magnetic field (H) over all space at a given time step given electric and magnetic fields from the previous time step
    #achieved by nested for loops
    function updateH(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz)  
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 1:SizeY-1
                for mm = 1:SizeX
                    Hx[mm,nn,pp] = (Chxh[mm,nn,pp] * Hx[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Chxe[mm,nn,pp] * ((Ey[mm,nn,pp+1] - Ey[mm,nn,pp]) - (Ez[mm,nn+1,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp])))

        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 1:SizeY
                for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                    Hy[mm,nn,pp] = (Chyh[mm,nn,pp] * Hy[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Chye[mm,nn,pp] * ((Ez[mm+1,nn,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp]) - (Ex[mm,nn,pp+1] - Ex[mm,nn,pp])))
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ
            for nn = 1:SizeY-1
                for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                    Hz[mm,nn,pp] = (Chzh[mm,nn,pp] * Hz[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Chze[mm,nn,pp] * ((Ex[mm,nn+1,pp] - Ex[mm,nn,pp]) - (Ey[mm+1,nn,pp] - Ey[mm,nn,pp])))
        return Hx,Hy,Hz

    #update electric field  (E) over all space at a given time step given electric and magnetic fields from the previous time step
    function updateE(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz) #update electric field

        @inbounds for pp = 2:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 2:SizeY-1
                for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                    Ex[mm,nn,pp] = (Cexe[mm,nn,pp] * Ex[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Cexh[mm,nn,pp] * ((Hz[mm,nn,pp] - Hz[mm,nn-1,pp]) - (Hy[mm,nn,pp] - Hy[mm,nn,pp-1])))

        @inbounds for pp = 2:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 1:SizeY-1
                for mm = 2:SizeX-1
                    Ey[mm,nn,pp] = (Ceye[mm,nn,pp] * Ey[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Ceyh[mm,nn,pp] * ((Hx[mm,nn,pp] - Hx[mm,nn,pp-1]) - (Hz[mm,nn,pp] - Hz[mm-1,nn,pp])))
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 2:SizeY-1
                for mm = 2:SizeX-1
                    Ez[mm,nn,pp] = (Ceze[mm,nn,pp] * Ez[mm,nn,pp] + 
                                    Cezh[mm,nn,pp] * ((Hy[mm,nn,pp] - Hy[mm-1,nn,pp]) - (Hx[mm,nn,pp] - Hx[mm,nn-1,pp])))
        return Ex,Ey,Ez

    #apply absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) at the boundary planes of all x,y,z dimensions
    function abc3dfirst(Ex,Ey,Ez)
        # global Eyx0, Ezx0, Eyx1, Ezx1, Exy0, Ezy0, Exy1, Ezy1, Exz0, Eyz0, Exz1, Eyz1
        # =============================================================================
        #ABC at x boundary plane 1 
        mm = 1
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ
            for nn = 1:SizeY-1
                Ey[mm,nn,pp] = Eyx0[nn,pp] + abccoef * (Ey[mm+1,nn,pp] - Ey[mm,nn,pp])
                Eyx0[nn,pp] = Ey[mm+1,nn,pp]
        for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 1:SizeY
                Ez[mm,nn,pp] = Ezx0[nn,pp] + abccoef * (Ez[mm+1,nn,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp])
                Ezx0[nn,pp] = Ez[mm+1,nn,pp]
        #ABC at x boundary plane 2
        mm = SizeX
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ
            for nn = 1:SizeY-1
                Ey[mm,nn,pp] = Eyx1[nn,pp] + abccoef * (Ey[mm-1,nn,pp] - Ey[mm,nn,pp])
                Eyx1[nn,pp] = Ey[mm-1,nn,pp]
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for nn = 1:SizeY
                Ez[mm,nn,pp] = Ezx1[nn,pp] + abccoef * (Ez[mm-1,nn,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp])
                Ezx1[nn,pp] = Ez[mm-1,nn,pp]
        # =============================================================================    
        #ABC at  y boundary plane 1
        nn = 1
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ
            for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                Ex[mm,nn,pp] = Exy0[mm,pp] + abccoef * (Ex[mm,nn+1,pp] - Ex[mm,nn,pp])
                Exy0[mm,pp] = Ex[mm,nn+1,pp]
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for mm = 1:SizeX
                Ez[mm,nn,pp] = Ezy0[mm,pp] + abccoef * (Ez[mm,nn+1,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp])
                Ezy0[mm,pp] = Ez[mm,nn+1,pp]
        #ABC at  x boundary plane 2
        nn = SizeY
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ
            for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                Ex[mm,nn,pp] = Exy1[mm,pp] + abccoef * (Ex[mm,nn-1,pp] - Ex[mm,nn,pp])
                Exy1[mm,pp] = Ex[mm,nn-1,pp]
        @inbounds for pp = 1:SizeZ-1
            for mm = 1:SizeX
                Ez[mm,nn,pp] = Ezy1[mm,pp] + abccoef * (Ez[mm,nn-1,pp] - Ez[mm,nn,pp])
                Ezy1[mm,pp] = Ez[mm,nn-1,pp]
        # =============================================================================    
        #ABC at  z boundary plane 1
        pp = 1
        @inbounds for nn = 1:SizeY
            for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                Ex[mm,nn,pp] = Exz0[mm,nn] + abccoef * (Ex[mm,nn,pp+1] - Ex[mm,nn,pp])
                Exz0[mm,nn] = Ex[mm,nn,pp+1]
        @inbounds for nn = 1:SizeY-1
            for mm = 1:SizeX
                Ey[mm,nn,pp] = Eyz0[mm,nn] + abccoef * (Ey[mm,nn,pp+1] - Ey[mm,nn,pp])
                Eyz0[mm,nn] = Ey[mm,nn,pp+1]

        #ABC at  z boundary plane 2
        pp = SizeZ
        @inbounds for nn = 1:SizeY
            for mm = 1:SizeX-1
                Ex[mm,nn,pp] = Exz1[mm,nn] + abccoef * (Ex[mm,nn,pp-1] - Ex[mm,nn,pp])
                Exz1[mm,nn] = Ex[mm,nn,pp-1]
        @inbounds for nn = 1:SizeY-1
            for mm = 1:SizeX
                Ey[mm,nn,pp] = Eyz1[mm,nn] + abccoef * (Ey[mm,nn,pp-1] - Ey[mm,nn,pp])
                Eyz1[mm,nn] = Ey[mm,nn,pp-1]

        return  Ex,Ey,Ez

    #define the driving source - a Ricker wavelet:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_hat_wavelet
    function ricker(t,location)
        src = 0
        delay = 5
        if t > delay
            arg = π * ((Cdtds * (t - (delay+1)) - location) / ppw - 1)
            src = (1.0 - 2.0 * arg^2) * exp(-(arg^2))
        return src

    #Main control code block.  Step through applicable functions
    for qtime = 1:MaxTime #time stepping loop
        Hx,Hy,Hz = updateH(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz)  #magnetic field update equation
        Ex,Ey,Ez = updateE(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz)  #electric field update equation
        Ex[24,23,23] += ricker(qtime,0)        #update Ricker wavelet source
        Ex,Ey,Ez = abc3dfirst(Ex,Ey,Ez)        #apply absorbing boundary conditions

        Eout[:,:,qtime] = Ex[24,:,:] #Save constant-x plane time domain data to a 3D matrix
        #source[qtime] = ricker(qtime,0)       #source output plot for troubleshooting - normally commented out

    println("elapsed real time: ", round(time() - start; digits=3)," seconds")
    println("Computation Complete")


There’s probably some remaining low-hanging fruit to improve the speed but that’s a good start. I should also mention that this is not written in a recommended julia style, but that’s less important.