Eval a CodeInfo object?

Digging through the Julia AST docs I’ve got curious how far we can go with the lowered code representation. In particular:

  1. Can we evaluate CodeInfo object as a whole?
  2. Can we evaluate each its expression (in .code field) step by step?
  3. Can we run type inference and/or compile CodeInfo object into a callable object (e.g. a function)?

I did all of these extensively in Espresso.jl for surface AST, but it has its drawbacks, so I’d like to know what I can do with the lowered version.


I have the same question, and Google gave me this thread and no other answer.

An example from the documentation lead me to try this:

julia> g() = 42
g (generic function with 1 method)

julia> ci = code_typed(g, ())[1][1]
1 ─     return 42

julia> eval(Expr(:thunk, ci))

So it seems I’m able to evaluate a CodeInfo object, but I can’t figure out how to turn one into a function.

Any help would be appreciated.

It seems an example of how to turn a CodeInfo object into a function can be found here:



Based on the above-mentioned code by @NHDaly, I wrote a small package that can be used to turn CodeInfo objects back into functions. (Still unregistered, with very little documentation and testing.)



Wow, looks great! Thanks for your effort!

Cool, that looks really handy! :slight_smile: I’m glad it was helpful for you.

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