using OptimizationOptimisers
using Optimization
loss(θ) = norm((predict(θ) - data_train) .* weights)
optf = OptimizationFunction((x, p) -> loss(x), AutoReverseDiff(true))
optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, θ)
opt = Adam(0.05, (1.0, 0.985)) # η: learning rate
@time results = Optimization.solve(
optprob, opt, callback = callback, maxiters = 180
gives error:
ERROR: Function argument passed to autodiff cannot be proven readonly.
If the the function argument cannot contain derivative data, instead call autodiff(Mode, Const(f), ...)
Original code is here
Full code
Building OCFEM (orthogonal collocation on finite element method)
for z discretization with cubic hermite polynomials
Ne = 42 # Number of finite elements
N = 2 # Number of interior collocation points
n_components = 1 # Number of chemical species
n_phases = 2 # 2 phases → 1 liquid(c profile) + 1 solid(q profile)
p_order = 4 # Polynomial order + 1
n_variables = n_components * n_phases * (p_order + 2 * Ne - 2)
xₘᵢₙ = 0.0
xₘₐₓ = 1.0 # z domain limits
h = (xₘₐₓ - xₘᵢₙ) / Ne # finite elements' sizes
H, A, B = make_OCFEM(Ne, n_phases, n_components)
# H are the polynomial evaluations at collocation points,
# A first derivative, B second derivative
#Building mass matrix
MM = BitMatrix(make_MM(Ne, n_phases, n_components)) # make mass matrix
Build UDE and solve & visualization
# -------------------Defining chromatography parameters---------------------
Qf = 5.0e-2 # Flow rate (dm^3/min)
d = 0.5 # Column Diameter (dm)
L = 2.0 # Bed Length (dm)
a = pi*d^2/4 # Column area (dm^2)
ϵ = 0.5 # Bed porosity
v = Qf/(a*ϵ) # Interstitial velocity (dm/min)
Pe = 21.095632695978704 # Peclet Number
Da_x = v*L/Pe # Axial dispersion (dm^2/min)
c_in = 5.5 # Feed concentration (mg/L)
k_transf = 0.22 # Mass transfer coefficient (1/min)
k_iso = 1.8 # Isotherm affinity parameter (L/mg)
qmax = 55.54 # Isotherm saturation parameter (mg/L)
q_test = qmax * k_iso * c_in^1.0 / (1.0 + k_iso * c_in^1.0)
# Scale parameter for amount adsorbed in solid phase
# Change exponent according to each isotherm: 1.0 for langmuir, 1.5 for sips in this work
#----------Define the derivative matrices stencil and node index-----------------
using LinearAlgebra
# Internal node index
l_idx = 2
u_idx = 2Ne + 1
# Boundary node index
lb_idx = 1
ub_idx = 2Ne + 2
∂x = Array(A * inv(H)) # c(x, t) = H*x and ∂x(c(x, t)) = A*x = A*inv(H)*c(x, t)
∂x² = Array(B * inv(H)) # c(x, t) = H*x and ∂x²(c(x, t)) = B*x = B*inv(H)*c(x, t)
#-------------------Importing experimental data-------------------
# Vermeulen’s kinetics and langmuir isotherm
using DelimitedFiles
c_exp_data = readdlm("traindata_improved_quad_lang_2min.csv", ',')
# ------------------Initializing Neural networks----------------------
using Random, Lux, ComponentArrays
nn = Chain(
Dense(2, 22, tanh_fast),
Dense(22, 1)
ps, st = Lux.setup(Random.default_rng(), nn)
#---------------------building rhs function for DAE solver---------------------
mutable struct Hybrid{}
using UnPack
function (Hybrid!::Hybrid)(du, u, p, t)
#Aliasing parameters of chromatography model
@unpack L, h, v, ∂x, ∂x², Da_x, ϵ, c_in, k_iso, qmax, q_test = Hybrid!
#---------------------Mass Transfer and equilibrium -----------------
c = (@view u[lb_idx:ub_idx])
q = u[ub_idx+1:2*ub_idx] / q_test # scaling dependent variables
q_eq = qmax * k_iso * c.^1.0 ./ (1.0 .+ k_iso * c.^1.0) / q_test# Change exponent according to each isotherm
x1x2 = [q_eq q]'
∂x_u = ∂x*u
∂x²_u = ∂x²*u
# Neural network output
nn_out = nn(x1x2, p, st)[1] # p of function Hybrid! stands for parameters of Neural network
nn_internal = nn_out[2:end-1]
#------------------------Mass balance---------------------------
# Concentration profile for internal node. du[2:u_idx] for ∂t(c(x, t))
du[l_idx:u_idx] = - (1 - ϵ) / ϵ * nn_internal .- v/(h*L) * ∂x_u[l_idx:u_idx] .+ Da_x / (h*L)^2 * ∂x²_u[l_idx:u_idx]
# Boundary node equations. left multiply with MM should be 0 (du[1] = du[ub_idx] = 0)
du[1] = Da_x / (h*L) * ∂x_u[1] - v * (c[1] - c_in)
du[ub_idx] = ∂x_u[ub_idx] / (h*L)
# Absorption profile (solid phase)
du[ub_idx+1:2*ub_idx] = nn_out # du[ub_idx+1:end] for ∂t(q(x, t))
using OrdinaryDiffEq
rhs = Hybrid(L, h, v, ϵ, c_in, ∂x, ∂x², Da_x, k_iso, qmax, q_test)
chroma_func = ODEFunction(rhs, mass_matrix = MM)
#-----------------------Build and Solve ODE Problem-------------------------
t0, t_end = first(c_exp_data[:, 1]), last(c_exp_data[: , 1])
tspan = (t0, t_end)
datasize = size(c_exp_data, 1)
t_steps = range(t0, t_end; length = datasize)
ps_ca = ComponentArray(ps)
c0 = 1e-3
u0 = c0 * ones(n_variables)
u0[Int(n_variables/2) + 1:end] .= qmax * k_iso * c0^1.0 / (1.0 + k_iso * c0^1.0)
chroma_prob = ODEProblem(chroma_func, u0, tspan, ps_ca)
@time sol_init = Array(solve(chroma_prob, FBDF(autodiff = false), saveat = t_steps))
# FBDF(autodiff = false) also works
using Plots
plot(t_steps, sol_init[Int(n_variables/2), :])
scatter!(c_exp_data[:, 1], c_exp_data[:, 2])
Training Neural Network
#-----------------------Training Neural Network----------------------
using SciMLSensitivity
function predict(p)
sensealg = QuadratureAdjoint(autojacvec = ReverseDiffVJP(true))
# Interpolating adjoint works well too
prob_ = remake(chroma_prob; p = p)
s_new = Array(solve(prob_, FBDF(autodiff = false), abstol = 5e-7, reltol = 5e-7, saveat = t_steps, sensealg = sensealg))
s_new[Int(n_variables / 2), :] / c_in
# Setting up training data
data_train = c_exp_data[:, 2] / c_in
weights = ones(size(data_train, 1))
#--------------------------Loss function---------------------------
function loss(p)
loss = norm((predict(p) - data_train) .* weights)
return loss
#-------------------------testing gradients-----------------------
p = copy(ps_ca)
@time loss(p)
@time predict(p)
using Zygote
@time grad_reverse = Zygote.gradient(loss, p)
#--------------------Maximum Likelihood estimation--------------------
using Optimization, DiffEqFlux
adtype = AutoZygote()
optf = OptimizationFunction((x, p) -> loss(x), adtype)
optprob = OptimizationProblem(optf, p)
iter = 1
callback1 = function(p, l)
global iter
iter += 1
l < 1.0e-3
using OptimizationOptimisers
opt = Adam(0.05, (1.0, 0.985)) # η: learning rate
@time results = Optimization.solve(
optprob, opt, callback = callback1, maxiters = 180
make_OCFEM.jl (6.5 KB)