Error while installing a package

Hi all, I am very new to julia and i have been trying to install this package - PANDA. all but one of its dependencies are not getting precompiled and installed. This is the error message that I am getting:

 70 dependencies successfully precompiled in 326 seconds. 182 already precompiled.
  2 dependencies failed but may be precompilable after restarting julia
  4 dependencies had output during precompilation:
┌ ModelingToolkit
│  WARNING: using OrdinaryDiffEq.isconstant in module ModelingToolkit conflicts with an existing identifier.
│  WARNING: using OrdinaryDiffEq.islinear in module ModelingToolkit conflicts with an existing identifier.
│  WARNING: Method definition kwcall(NamedTuple{names, T} where T<:Tuple where names, typeof(SciMLBase.__solve), SciMLBase.AbstractJumpProblem{P, J} where J, SciMLBase.AbstractDEAlgorithm, Any, Any, Any, Type{Base.Val{recompile_flag}}) where {P, recompile_flag} in module JumpProcesses at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/JumpProcesses/HPjOl/src/solve.jl:1 overwritten in module DiffEqJump at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/solve.jl:1.
│  ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
┌ DifferentialEquations
│  WARNING: Method definition kwcall(NamedTuple{names, T} where T<:Tuple where names, typeof(SciMLBase.__solve), SciMLBase.AbstractJumpProblem{P, J} where J, SciMLBase.AbstractDEAlgorithm, Any, Any, Any, Type{Base.Val{recompile_flag}}) where {P, recompile_flag} in module JumpProcesses at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/JumpProcesses/HPjOl/src/solve.jl:1 overwritten in module DiffEqJump at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/solve.jl:1.
│  ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.
┌ DiffEqJump
│  WARNING: method definition for #MassActionJump#8 at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/jumps.jl:251 declares type variable U but does not use it.
│  WARNING: method definition for #MassActionJump#8 at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/jumps.jl:251 declares type variable S but does not use it.
│  WARNING: method definition for #MassActionJump#9 at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/jumps.jl:256 declares type variable U but does not use it.
│  WARNING: method definition for #MassActionJump#9 at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/jumps.jl:256 declares type variable S but does not use it.
│  WARNING: method definition for #RDirectJumpAggregation#62 at /pfs/home/pragya/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/o61Dj/src/aggregators/rdirect.jl:23 declares type variable DEPGR but does not use it.

any idea how to deal with this?

Welcome to the community!

Can you run


and check the names of the packages that failed, and the reason they failed