Error using Julia on an HPC cluster: Juliaup configuration is locked by another process, waiting for it to unlock

I have been using Julia on an HPC slurm cluster with no problem. However, I was trying to use the MPI.jl package to parallelize my code. The cluster has intel MPI that I have been trying to use without success. I added the MPI.jl package using Pkg.add(“MPI”). My job submission script looks as follows:

#SBATCH --partition short
#SBATCH --N 1 
module load intel/MPI
mpirun -n 100 julia script.jl 

However, this does not work and I receive an error message saying:

Juliaup configuration is locked by another process, waiting for it to unlock.

The previous error message is repeated around 100 times in the error file “stderr”, and since I have 100 MPI ranks, this suggests that each MPI rank is waiting for the configuration file to get unlocked.

Now, Julia itself is not working anymore and I keep receiving the same message. I understand that my unsuccessful attempt to use MPI led to some kind of lock on a certain configuration file. However, I have cancelled the MPI jobs I have been trying to do, logged off and on again, but the issue is still there. I have two questions:

  1. How to properly use MPI.jl on a Slurm cluster? After checking online, it looks like I need to add another package “MPIPreferences.jl” to make this work? The documentation does not seem very clear to me.
  2. How to resolve this issue of locked file?

What’s unclear about it? If you want to use a system MPI (the Intel MPI provided by module load intel/MPI on your cluster) you have to do

using MPIPreferences

as is described in the docs. Afterwards. the mpirun call should work fine.

Having said that, you might want to give the MPI binaries (JLLs) that we ship automatically a try. For this, drop the module loading part and use mpiexecjl instead of mpirun. Note that you have to do

using MPI

and have to put ~/.julia/bin on $PATH for it to be available. And if you did the MPIPreferences.use_system_binary() part above, you have to undo it with MPIPreferences.use_jll_binary().

This seems to be a juliaup issue ("Juliaup configuration is locked by another process, waiting for it to unlock." · Issue #598 · JuliaLang/juliaup · GitHub), and the solution might be to run

juliaup config versionsdbupdateinterval 0
juliaup config backgroundselfupdateinterval 0

to disable checks for updates. Alternately, you may launch julia by specifying the binary path directly instead of using juliaup.

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