Julia produces an error when (I think) I specify if b[:,1:NumPlantSpecies]
I want to specify different values for b0
and β
when row values are between 1 and the number of plant species (if statement), and between the number of plant species+1 and number of total species (else statement).
function create_b(NumTotalSpecies, log10BM, L)
b = zeros(NumTotalSpecies, NumTotalSpecies)
for i = 1:NumTotalSpecies
for j = 1:NumTotalSpecies
if b[:,1:NumPlantSpecies] #indicates herbivory
b0 = 1000
β = 0.19 #NOTE how to add ± 0.04 ?
permutedims(log10BM) = 1 # here (log10BM'^β[i]) * L should = 1
L = 1 # here (log10BM'^β[i]) * L should = 1
else #everything else is omnivore or carnivore
b0 = 50
β = 0.42 #NOTE how to add ± 0.05 ?
b[i,j] = b0 * (log10BM[i]^β) * (log10BM[j]^β) * L[i, j]
b = create_b(NumTotalSpecies, log10BM, L)
I understand that Julia was expecting a boolean value (true/false) but I don’t understand why 1:NumPlantSpecies
is not a clear boolean criteron.
Necessary code is:
using Distributions, Random
Ropt = 100
γ= 2
q = rand(Normal(0.5,0.2))#Hill exponent, μ = 0.5, σ = 0.2 "within in. limits of 0 and 1"
#rand()is between 0 and 1, unless specified
NumPlantSpecies = 8
NumAnimalSpecies = 12
NumTotalSpecies = NumPlantSpecies + NumAnimalSpecies
log10BM_P = sort(rand(Uniform(10^0, 10^6), NumPlantSpecies))
log10BM_A = sort(rand(Uniform(10^2, 10^12), NumAnimalSpecies))
log10BM = vcat(log10BM_P,log10BM_A)
function create_FoodWeb(log10BM,Ropt,γ)
function create_L(log10BM,Ropt,γ)
L = @. ((log10BM/(log10BM'*Ropt))' * exp(1-(log10BM/(log10BM'*Ropt))'))^γ
# Weak links (Lij <p) are removed
L[L .<= 0.01] .= 0.0
L[:,1:NumPlantSpecies] .= 0.0
condition = true
while condition
log10BM_P = sort(rand(Uniform(10^0, 10^6), NumPlantSpecies))
log10BM_A = sort(rand(Uniform(10^2, 10^12), NumAnimalSpecies))
log10BM = vcat(log10BM_P,log10BM_A)
global L = create_L(log10BM,Ropt,γ)
#take the link probabilities of the previous matrix and determine if L[i,j] > p
global FoodWeb = zero(L)
FoodWeb[:,1:NumPlantSpecies] .= 0.0 # keeps plants as basal species
FoodWeb[L .> rand.(Uniform(0, 1))] .= 1.0 # Sets F[i,j] = 0 wherever L[i,j] < F[i,j]
condition = any(sum(x->x>0, FoodWeb, dims=1) + sum(x->x>0, FoodWeb, dims=2)' .== 0.0)
#dims=(1) for column, dims=(2) for row
return(log10BM, L, FoodWeb)
log10BM,L,FoodWeb = create_FoodWeb(log10BM, Ropt,γ)
function create_b(NumTotalSpecies, log10BM, L)
b = zeros(NumTotalSpecies, NumTotalSpecies)
for i = 1:NumTotalSpecies
for j = 1:NumTotalSpecies
if b[:,1:NumPlantSpecies] #indicates herbivory
b0 = 1000
β = 0.19 #NOTE how to add ± 0.04 ?
permutedims(log10BM) = 1 # here (log10BM'^β[i]) * L should = 1
L = 1 # here (log10BM'^β[i]) * L should = 1
else #everything else is omnivore or carnivore
b0 = 50
β = 0.42 #NOTE how to add ± 0.05 ?
b[i,j] = b0 * (log10BM[i]^β) * (log10BM[j]^β) * L[i, j]
b = create_b(NumTotalSpecies, log10BM, L)