I get the following strange error when trying the following simple animation task.
using Plots;
plt = plot3d( 1, xlim = (0, 1), ylim = (0, 1), zlim = (0, 1), title = "Lorenz Attractor", marker = 2, );
A = rand(Float64, 3,N);
anim = @animate for n in 1:N
push!(plt, A[1,n], A[2,n], A[3,n]);
end every 10
#savefig(plt, "t.gif");
gif(anim, "t.gif");
The console outputs
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
read: Connection reset by peer
send: Broken pipe
several times before finishing the task. If the iteration N is too large, it sometimes terminates in the middle.
I am using Julia version 1.5.3 on Ubuntu. I never encounter this error on a Windows platform. What connection is broken here ?