I am trying to run the example code at Animations · Plots :
using Plots
@userplot CirclePlot
@recipe function f(cp::CirclePlot)
x, y, i = cp.args
n = length(x)
inds = circshift(1:n, 1 - i)
linewidth --> range(0, 10, length = n)
seriesalpha --> range(0, 1, length = n)
aspect_ratio --> 1
label --> false
x[inds], y[inds]
n = 150
t = range(0, 2π, length = n)
x = sin.(t)
y = cos.(t)
anim = @animate for i ∈ 1:n
circleplot(x, y, i)
gif(anim, "anim_fps15.gif", fps = 15)
However I am getting the following error:
Output file #0 does not contain any stream
ERROR: failed process: Process(`/Users/smgroves/.julia/artifacts/ab49fb08fb4494ca6d30bd5124515c4b34ca6c9b/bin/ffmpeg -v 16 -i /var/folders/vh/xk34gq593k53lzm7wlyg64xw0000gn/T/jl_d32QSc/%06d.png -vf palettegen=stats_mode=full -y /var/folders/vh/xk34gq593k53lzm7wlyg64xw0000gn/T/jl_d32QSc/palette.bmp`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
[1] pipeline_error
@ ./process.jl:565 [inlined]
[2] run(::Cmd; wait::Bool)
@ Base ./process.jl:480
[3] run
@ ./process.jl:477 [inlined]
[4] (::FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd})(command_path::String)
@ FFMPEG ~/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/OUpap/src/FFMPEG.jl:112
[5] (::JLLWrappers.var"#2#3"{FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd}, String})()
@ JLLWrappers ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/runtime.jl:49
[6] withenv(::JLLWrappers.var"#2#3"{FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd}, String}, ::Pair{String, String}, ::Vararg{Pair{String, String}})
@ Base ./env.jl:197
[7] withenv_executable_wrapper(f::Function, executable_path::String, PATH::String, LIBPATH::String, adjust_PATH::Bool, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool)
@ JLLWrappers ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/runtime.jl:48
[8] invokelatest(::Any, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any}; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Base ./essentials.jl:816
[9] invokelatest(::Any, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any})
@ Base ./essentials.jl:813
[10] #ffmpeg#3
@ ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/products/executable_generators.jl:22 [inlined]
[11] ffmpeg
@ ~/.julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/products/executable_generators.jl:19 [inlined]
[12] #exe#2
@ ~/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/OUpap/src/FFMPEG.jl:111 [inlined]
[13] exe
@ ~/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/OUpap/src/FFMPEG.jl:105 [inlined]
[14] ffmpeg_exe
@ ~/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/OUpap/src/FFMPEG.jl:123 [inlined]
[15] |>
@ ./operators.jl:907 [inlined]
[16] buildanimation(anim::Animation, fn::String, is_animated_gif::Bool; fps::Int64, loop::Int64, variable_palette::Bool, verbose::Bool, show_msg::Bool)
@ Plots ~/.julia/packages/Plots/sxUvK/src/animation.jl:141
[17] buildanimation (repeats 2 times)
@ ~/.julia/packages/Plots/sxUvK/src/animation.jl:116 [inlined]
[18] #gif#300
@ ~/.julia/packages/Plots/sxUvK/src/animation.jl:91 [inlined]
[19] top-level scope
@ ~/Documents/test_movie.jl:36
I have seen similar problems with FFMPEG but they all seem to suggest changes to the FFMPEG command outside of Julia, and I’m not sure why it doesn’t seem to be working when run from Julia directly. I have tried installing VideoIO and FFMPEG julia packages, but I still get the same error. I am pretty new to Julia so any help would be appreciated!