Why does this not work:
for n=1:length(xVector)
yVector[n] = sin(xVector[n])
plot(xVector, yVector)
What is the correct way to do this?
Why does this not work:
for n=1:length(xVector)
yVector[n] = sin(xVector[n])
plot(xVector, yVector)
What is the correct way to do this?
yVector = similar(xVector)
A couple of options
X = 0:0.01:2pi
Y = similar(X);
for i in eachindex(X) # or 1:length(X)
Y[i] = sin(X[i])
plot(X, Y)
X = 0:0.01:2pi
Y = similar(X);
Y .= sin.(X)
Or to avoid writing the loop explicitly
yVector = sin.(xVector)
****** Thank you! ******
does not create a vector. It creates a Range
, which is a type that looks and indexes like a vector, but actually doesn’t allocate the memory for the vector. So indexing it is essentially calling a function, and it computes what the value should be, instead of storing it. When you get that, then you see why you cannot “set” values for it.
But, for these kinds of “lazy collections” (of which LinSpace
is another), you can always collect
them to a Vector
via collect(a:b:c)
. Then you have a proper array which can set values, but now it takes up more memory (and is thus slower in practice, so don’t just collect everything like MATLAB!)
Hope that makes sense.
Very good explanation. Now it is crystal clear, thank you!
Maybe the error message could be improved? Currently
julia> xx = 0:0.1:2
julia> xx[3] = 5
ERROR: indexing not defined for FloatRange{Float64}
[1] setindex!(::FloatRange{Float64}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at .\abstractarray.jl:873
julia> xx[3]
It’s confusing because “indexing” looks like it is defined – as in, indexed-get works. And the eltype
is irrelevant to the problem.
Would an error message like the following be a good idea?
julia> xx[3] = 5
ERROR: indexed-set not defined for FloatRange, try making a copy with `collect` or `similar`
Thank you very much