Error in FastTransforms.jl for cheb2leg

I’m working with Legendre transforms and according to FastTransforms.jl, one can do a Chebyshev Transform and use the cheb2leg() function to transform from Chebyshev coefficients to Legendre coefficients.

I’ve compared this method to the pure naive transform given by wikipedia and it seems like every odd coefficient comes out to be the negative of what an actual Legendre transform should give.

I am using the Gauss-Lobatto points. The functions below calculate the Gauss-Lobatto points and weights for the Legendre and Chebyshev functions.

using FFTW
using LinearAlgebra
using Printf
using FastTransforms

function LegendrePolynomial(k::Int64, x::Float64)
    if k==0
        return 1.0

    elseif k==1
        return x
    Lk = 0.0
    Lkm2 = 1 # L_{k-2}
    Lkm1 = x #L_{k-1}
    for j in 2:k
        Lk = (2.0*j - 1)/j *x *Lkm1 - (j-1)/j * Lkm2
        Lkm2 = Lkm1
        Lkm1 = Lk

    return Lk
function qAndLEvaluation(N::Int64, x::Float64)

    Lnm2 = 1.0
    Lnm1 = x
    Ln =0.0
    dLn = 0.0
    dLnm2 = 0.0
    dLnm1 = 1.0

    for j in 2:N
        Ln = (2.0*j - 1)/j *x *Lnm1 - (j-1)/j * Lnm2
        dLn = dLnm2 + (2.0*j-1.0)*Lnm1
        Lnm2 = Lnm1
        Lnm1 = Ln
        dLnm2 = dLnm1
        dLnm1 = dLn
        #Lnsum = Lksum + Lk


    q = dLn
    #second derivative from'_formula_and_other_explicit_formulas
    dq = (2*x*dLn - N*(N+1)*Ln)/(1-x^2) #ddLn

    return q, dq, Ln

function LegendreGaussLobattoNodesAndWeights(N::Int64, nit::Int64, TOL::Float64)

    x = zeros(Float64,N+1)
    w = zeros(Float64,N+1)
    xold = 0.0

    if N ==1
        x[1] = -1.0
        w[1] = 1.0
        x[2] = 1.0
        w[2] = w[1]
        x[1] = -1.0
        w[1] = 2.0/(N*(N+1))
        x[end] = 1.0
        w[end] = w[1]
        #xold = 0.0
        for j in 1:(floor(Int64,((N+1)/2))-1)
            x[j+1] = - cos((j+0.25)/N*pi - 3.0/(8.0*N*pi) /(j + 0.25))
            #x[j+1] = -cos(pi*j/N)
            for k in 0:nit
                q, dq, Ln = qAndLEvaluation(N, x[j+1])
                delta = -q/dq
                xold = x[j+1]
                x[j+1] = x[j+1] + delta
                if abs(x[j+1] - xold) < TOL #abs(delta) < TOL*abs(x[j])
                if k==nit-1
                    println("Reached Iterator Max")
            q, dq, Ln = qAndLEvaluation(N, x[j+1])
            x[end-j] =-x[j+1]
            w[j+1] = 2.0/(N*(N+1)) / Ln^2
            w[end-j] = w[j+1]

    if mod(N,2) == 0
        q, dq, Ln = qAndLEvaluation(N, 0.0)
        x[ceil(Int64,N/2)+1] = 0.0
        w[ceil(Int64,N/2)+1] = 2.0/(N*(N+1)) / Ln^2

    return x, w

function  ChebyshevGaussLobattoNodesAndWeights(N::Int64)

    x = zeros(Float64,N+1)
    w = zeros(Float64,N+1)

    for j in 0:N
        x[j+1] = -cos(pi*j/N)
        w[j+1] = pi/(N)

    w[1] = w[1]/2.0
    w[end] = w[end]/2.0
    return x, w

function LegendreTransform(Phi::Array{Float64}, x::Array{Float64}, w::Array{Float64})

    N = length(Phi)
    Phik = zeros(Float64, N)
    Lk = zeros(Float64,N)
    Lkk = zeros(Float64,N)
    ll = 0.0
    den = 0.0

    for k in 1:N
        @. Lk = 0.0
        @. Lkk = 0.0
        #calculate legendre functions at x[k]
        den = 0.0
        for j in 1:N
            #Lk[j] = LegendrePolynomial(k-1, x[j])
            ll = LegendrePolynomial(k-1, x[j])
            Phik[k] = Phik[k] + w[j]*Phi[j]*ll
            den = den + ll^2 *w[j]

        Phik[k] = Phik[k]/den

    return Phik


Below, here I try to do a legendre transform of a function with the second, third, fourth, and fifth Legendre polynomials:

nn = 10
xcheb, wcheb = ChebyshevGaussLobattoNodesAndWeights(nn);
xleg, wleg = LegendreGaussLobattoNodesAndWeights(nn, 10000, 1.0e-6);

phi0cheb = @. 0.5*(3*xcheb^2 - 1) + 0.5*(5*xcheb^3 - 3*xcheb)+ 1/8*(35*xcheb^4 - 30*xcheb^2 + 3) + 1/8.0*(63*xcheb^5 -70*xcheb^3 + 15*xcheb)
#phi0[end] = 0.0

phi0leg = @. 0.5*(3*xleg^2 -1) + 0.5*(5*xleg^3 - 3*xleg) + 1/8*(35*xleg^4 - 30*xleg^2 + 3) + 1/8.0*(63*xleg^5 -70*xleg^3 + 15*xleg);

#set up plans
phicopy = deepcopy(phi0cheb);
pcheb = FastTransforms.plan_chebyshevtransform(phicopy,Val(2),flags=FFTW.MEASURE);

pctol = FastTransforms.plan_cheb2leg(phicopy,normcheb=false, normleg=false);

#naive direct legendre transform
phikleg = LegendreTransform(phi0leg, xleg, wleg);

#chebyshev transform 
phikcheb = pcheb*phi0cheb;
phikchebtoleg = pctol*phikcheb;

for i in 1:length(phi0kcl)
    @printf("%.1e, \t\t %.1e\n", phiklegl[i], phikchebtoleg[i])


The results are the following:

6.9e-17, -9.5e-17
2.9e-16, 3.8e-16
1.0e+00, 1.0e+00
1.0e+00, -1.0e+00
1.0e+00, 1.0e+00
1.0e+00, -1.0e+00
9.9e-16, 7.4e-16
-2.1e-16, -3.8e-16
3.5e-16, -4.8e-17
-6.6e-16, 3.6e-16
-2.8e-16, -3.8e-16

You can see that the odd polynomial coefficients (n=odd) are the negative of the actual legendre coefficient.

Anyone have an idea if this is actually what’s happening?

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I posted on the github page:

And MikaelSlevinsky pointed out that the guass-lobatto points for the FastTransforms.jl are set from positive max to decreasing. So, using my code, I would have to reverse the chebyshev points array:

xcheb = xcheb[end:-1:1]

or use the FastTransforms function:

xcheb = chebyshevpoints(Float64, nn+1, Val(2))

This gives the correct legendre transform.