I hate to ask these kind of questions, but I can’t understand why this code doesn’t work. Apparently the problem is a stackoverflow error, which seems to be generated in the build_bar() function, when assigning. The new BarType is initially a vector of undef values, then I initialize it.
As far as I know, this should be legal, since I also tested a more complex code (with parametric types) which does likewise but works fine.
Any tip? Thanks!
using OffsetArrays
struct FooType <: AbstractArray{Float64,1}
endFooType(n::Int) = FooType(OffsetArray(Float64, 1:n), n)
Base.size(s::FooType) = (s.dim,)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:FooType}) = IndexLinear()
Base.similar(s::FooType, ::Type, d::Dims) = FooType(d[1])
Base.getindex(s::FooType, i::Int) = s.data[i]
Base.setindex!(s::FooType, v, i::Int) = (s.data[i] = v)
Base.show(io::IO, s::FooType) = print(io, s)
Base.indices(s::FooType) = indices(s.data)
Base.:(==)(a::FooType, b::FooType) = a.data == b.data
Base.isless(a::FooType, b::FooType) = a[1]<b[1]struct BarType <: AbstractArray{FooType,1}
endfunction build_bar(m::Int, n::Int)
bar = BarType(Array{FooType,1}(m), m)
for i in 1:m
bar.data[i] = FooType(n)
endBarType(m::Int, n::Int) = build_bar(m,n)
Base.size(b::BarType) = (b.dim,)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:BarType}) = IndexLinear()
Base.similar(b::BarType, ::Type, d::Dims) = BarType(d[1])
Base.getindex(b::BarType, i::Int) = b.data[i]
Base.setindex!(b::BarType, val, i::Int) = (b.data[i] = val)
Base.show(io::IO, b::BarType) = print(io, b.dim)
Base.indices(b::BarType) = indices(b.data)b = BarType(3,2)