Error building FFTW on Windows

Any idea:

ERROR: LoadError: Unable to open libLLVM!
 in expression starting at C:\Users\runneradmin\.julia\packages\FFTW\oepdx\deps\build_fftw.jl:1
in expression starting at C:\Users\runneradmin\.julia\packages\FFTW\oepdx\deps\build.jl:20
ERROR: LoadError: Error building `FFTW`: 

This happens only on Windows, and it worked last week.

What could be the reason?


@ufechner7 instead of adding FFTW which you don’t directly use, why don’t you upgrade DSP.jl to v0.8 in

which would automatically require a much newer FFTW for you


On an unrelated (?) note, you may want to reactivate CompatHelper in your repositories

Because my code does not work with DSP 0.8.

My software depends on about 500 packages. If I would always upgrade all dependencies to the newest (braking) version I would not have much time left to do anything else.


I added:

FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
FFTW = "1.8.0"

to Project.toml, and now it works.

Thank you!

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I think the true fix would be merging allow MKL_jll version 2025 by ranocha · Pull Request #314 · JuliaMath/FFTW.jl · GitHub and registering a new version of FFTW.jl including this fix.


With allow MKL_jll version 2025 by ranocha · Pull Request #314 · JuliaMath/FFTW.jl · GitHub being merged and FFTW.jl v1.8.1 being released, you should be able to remove the dependency of FFTW.jl in your package again, @ufechner7.


Thank you!