Error at structure initialization


I created a structure for ML (for a generalized linear modell) and i want to store the linking function by initializing the structure using the name of the distribution.

The code of the structure:

mutable struct GLM
    distribution::String          # Distribution (normal, exponential, etc.)
    link_function::Function       # Link function

    function GLM(learning_input::Matrix{Float64}, learning_output::Vector{Float64}, distribution::String="normal",name::String="Generalized Linear Modell", description::String="This modell is for a generalized linear modell!")
        @assert size(learning_input, 1) == length(learning_output) "Inputs and outputs sizes do not match"

        n_features = size(learning_input, 2)
        weights = zeros(n_features)               # Generate initial weights as zeros
        cost_convergence_error = 0.0            # Default cost convergence error
        cost_history = Float64[]                # Empty cost history vector
        link_fn=get_link_function(distribution, weights)
        new(learning_input, learning_output, weights, distribution, link_fn, cost_convergence_error, cost_history, name, description)

The code for the get_link_function:

    function get_link_function(distribution::String, weights)
        if distribution == "normal"
            return (
                x -> dot(x, weights)                     # Identity with weights
        elseif distribution in ["exponential", "poisson"]
            return (
                x -> log(dot(x, weights))                # Log with weighted input
        elseif distribution == "gamma"
            return (
                x -> 1 / dot(x, weights)                 # Inverse with weights
        elseif distribution == "inverse_gaussian"
            return (
                x -> 1 / (dot(x, weights)^2)             # Inverse square with weights
        elseif distribution in ["bernoulli", "binomial"]
            return (
                x -> log(dot(x, weights) / (1 - dot(x, weights)))  # Logit with weights
        elseif distribution in ["categorical", "multinomial"]
            return (
                x -> log.(dot(x, weights))               # Log-softmax
            error("Unsupported distribution: ($distribution). Supported options: normal, exponential, poisson, gamma, inverse_gaussian, bernoulli, binomial, categorical, multinomial.")

Additional function for generating data:

function generate_data(n_samples, n_features, distribution, noise=0.1)
    Random.seed!(42)  # For reproducibility
    X = rand(n_samples, n_features)              # Random features

    # Add bias term consistently (if needed)
    #X = hcat(ones(n_samples), X)                 # Add bias term

    true_weights = randn(n_features)  # This should create a vector with size n_features
    link_fn, link_inv_fn = get_link_fn(distribution)

    # Generate dependent variable
    linear_predictor = X * true_weights
    if distribution == "normal"
        y = linear_predictor .+ noise * randn(n_samples)  # Add Gaussian noise
    elseif distribution in ["exponential", "poisson"] || distribution == "bernoulli" || distribution == "binomial"
        y = exp.(linear_predictor) .+ noise               # Non-negative
    elseif distribution == "gamma"
        y = 1 ./ (linear_predictor .+ 1e-6)
        error("Unsupported distribution: $distribution")

    return X, y, true_weights

And the main() looks like:

function main()
    # Parameters
    n_samples = 100
    n_features = 20
    noise = 0.2
    width = 72  # For printing
    decimals = 20
    distribution = "normal"

    # Generate synthetic data
    X, y, true_weights = generate_data(n_samples, n_features, distribution, noise)

    # Initialize GLM with generated data
    glm = GLM(X, y, distribution)

I always receive the following error for the returning the function of normal distribution in get_link_function():

ERROR: DimensionMismatch: dot product arguments have lengths 2000 and 20

I would like to have the function inside the structure so I do not have to call it in the main() to give value to link_fn of GLM. Could you tell what is the problem with my code?

Thank you for your help


Could you clarify where the error actually occurs? Running main() works fine for me, at least after importing LinearAlgebra and Random, and remove the link_fn, link_inv_fn = get_link_fn(distribution) line in generate_data.

I do get the same error on

julia> glm.link_function(X)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: dot product arguments have lengths 2000 and 20

but this is simply because X is a 100 \times 20 Matrix and weights a length-20 Vector:

julia> X = rand(100, 20); weights = rand(20); dot(X, weights)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: dot product arguments have lengths 2000 and 20

If that’s your issue, you could fix it by broadcasting

julia> y = dot.(eachrow(X), Ref(weights)); size(y)

or equivalently by simply using a matrix product

julia> y2 = X * weights; y2 ≈ y