Enforce positivity in simple PDE solution

Hi all,
Pretty new to julia. I am trying to solve a simplified PDE that I normally would do in R. In R, the numerical steady state solution can be constrained to obtain solution concentration. However, when I translate this code to julia and solve numerically with differentialEquations.jl and NonlinearSolve (NewtonRaphson()), the solutions are always negative (which it shouldn’t be as the concentrations are positive.

Can anyone help with this.

thick = 0.05
Intdepth = collect(0:thick:10)
Nint = length(Intdepth)
Depth = 0.5*(Intdepth[1:(Nint-1)] + Intdepth[2:Nint])
N = length(Depth)

porosity = 0.8     # -
minrate  = 1000    # mmol/m3/d - oxygen consumption rate
O2BW     = 300     # mmol/m3      - bottom water oxygen concentration
ks       = 1       # mmol O2/m3 - Half saturation constant
DispO2   =  1.289186
w = 0.1/1000/365

function O2model(du, conc, p, t)
    O2 = @view conc[:, 1]
    du = @view du[:, 1]

    O2tran   = (-DispO2  .*   porosity .* diff([O2BW  ; O2 ; O2[N] ])./thick) + (w .* porosity .* [O2BW; O2]) 

    # Respiration
    O2cons = minrate.*(O2./(O2.+ks))    
    dO2 = -diff(O2tran)./thick./porosity  - O2cons

    # du[:,1] = max.(0.0, dO2)
    du[:,1] = dO2

using DifferentialEquations, NonlinearSolve
using CairoMakie

conc = ones(N, 1)
prob = SteadyStateProblem(O2model, conc)
#sol = solve(prob, NewtonRaphson(), reltol = 1e-8, abstol = 1e-8)
#Test with isoutofdomain option
sol = solve(prob, NewtonRaphson(), reltol = 1e-4, abstol = 1e-4, isoutofdomain=(conc,parms,t) -> any(x -> x < 0, conc))
retcode: Success
u: 200×1 Matrix{Float64}: