My general question would be : Is there a way to organize code in Julia to improve maintainability/extensibility and make contributions to a project easier? any resources on the matter are welcome.
More specifically, in OOP inheritance and encapsulation can make life easier as they provide a sort of contract that one can follow/implement to extend a project while “ensuring” correctness. In julia, I recognize the strength and performance of multiple dispatch but haven’t found a way to organize myself around it.
To give an example:
In OOP, we can have the following:
abstract class Animal {
abstract function make_sound()
function greet() { println("hello "+name); make_sound(); }
class Dog <: Animal {
function make_sound() { println(name + " barks!")}
Having the abstract class, We can look at the Animal class (and maybe its superclasses) and deduce the fields we already have as well as the requirements that we needs to satisfy to implement a new Animal
If I want to illustrate this in Julia:
abstract type Animal end
function greet(animal::Animal)
println("hello "+ get_name(animal))
struct Dog <: Animal name::String end
function get_name(dog::Dog)
function make_sound(dog::Dog)
println(get_name(dog) + " barks!")
Here, It is not obvious what one should do to implement an Animal
In addition, there can be other parts of code using the Animal class that we don’t even know of. For example, we can have the following (which will make a new defined Cat
abstract type FlightAbility end
struct CanFly <: FlightAbility end
struct CannotFly <: FlightAbility end
FlightAbility(::Type{<:Animal}) = CanFly()
FlightAbility(::Type{<:Dog}) = CannotFly()
I’m new to Julia and found that this post is a very interesting read. If some of you have a few pointers to some good resources on ways to organise packages/code I’d be thankful.