Elementwise array-operations and performance

I’m trying to get an understanding on how to (most efficiently) handle elementwise array operations. If I construct an image like

function myImg(pts::Integer)::Array{Float64,2}
  # variables
  # rotation of ellipse
  aEll = 35.0/180.0*pi
  axes = [1/6,1/25]
  values = collect(linspace(-0.5,0.5,pts))
  # meshes
  gridX = [i for i in values, j in values]
  gridY = [j for i in values, j in values]
  # generate ellipse
  # rotate by alpha
  Xr = cos(aEll).*gridX - sin(aEll).*gridY
  Yr = cos(aEll).*gridY + sin(aEll).*gridX
  img = ((1/axes[1]*Xr.^2 + 1/axes[2]*Yr.^2).<=1).*( 10*pi*Yr);
  return mod(img-pi,2*pi)+pi

@time myImg(1024);

then I admit, the code is mainly taken from MatLab (despite the meshgrid function is replaced by the lines for Xr and Yr, that’s what I worked with the last years).

I would like to do this – merely to lean how Julia works – as efficient as possible: Take the equidistant grid of 1024 points on [0,1] in a rotated manner in order to build an ellipse with main axes axes and a linear increase inside (along the rotated y direction).

For now this code takes on my machine 0.552937 seconds (45.96 k allocations: 163.213 MB, 41.35% gc time) (while MatLab takes for the same roughly 0.15 seconds). This increases in both allocations and and time if I would add two more such elements on rotated grids (circles, squares,…); my approach to for-loops was indeed even slower…

TL;DR: How can I get such an element wise array construction as efficient as possible (mainly w.r.t. time, memory would be nice but not necessary)?

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Here is an attempt:

function myImg2(pts::Integer)
  # variables
  # rotation of ellipse
  aEll = 35.0/180.0*pi
  axes_inv = [6.0, 25.0]
  values = linspace(-0.5,0.5,pts)
  # meshes

  img = zeros(Float64, pts, pts)
  cosa = cos(aEll)
  sina = sin(aEll)
  @inbounds @fastmath for j in eachindex(values), i in eachindex(values)
      Xr = cosa*values[i] - sina*values[j]
      Yr = cosa*values[j] + sina*values[i]
      v = (axes_inv[1]*Xr^2 + axes_inv[2]*Yr^2)
      k = v <= 1 ? 10*pi*Yr : 0.0
      img[i,j] = mod(k-pi,2*pi)+pi
  return img

You can leave out the fast math macro depending on if you care about proper NaN handling.

# New version
julia> @time myImg2(1024);
  0.012618 seconds (7 allocations: 8.000 MB)

# Original version
julia> @time myImg(1024);
  0.153331 seconds (839 allocations: 144.179 MB, 63.93% gc time)

Thank you for four reply, your small example seems to work perfectly, however, i don’t seem able to generalize that to the case where I construct 3 those geometric objects. When I try to do the longer one (well two further Xr/Yr constructions and two further v/k in your code) I even get a time worse than my old one.

So: What am I missing here? Can you elaborate a little bit on why your code is so fast?

I’ve annotated your method below with where the array allocations occur:

function myImg(pts::Integer)::Array{Float64,2}
  # variables
  # rotation of ellipse
  aEll = 35.0/180.0*pi
  axes = [1/6,1/25]     # allocates a 2-element array
  values = collect(linspace(-0.5,0.5,pts))  # allocates a `pts`-element array
  # meshes
  gridX = [i for i in values, j in values] # allocates a `pts`-by-`pts` matrix
  gridY = [j for i in values, j in values] # allocates a `pts`-by-`pts` matrix
  # generate ellipse
  # rotate by alpha
  Xr = cos(aEll).*gridX - sin(aEll).*gridY  # allocates 3 `pts`-by-`pts` matrices
  Yr = cos(aEll).*gridY + sin(aEll).*gridX # allocates 3 `pts`-by-`pts` matrices
  img = ((1/axes[1]*Xr.^2 + 1/axes[2]*Yr.^2).<=1).*( 10*pi*Yr); # allocates 5 `pts`-by-`pts` matrices
  return mod(img-pi,2*pi)+pi # allocates 3 `pts`-by-`pts` matrices

Now #17623 will help a little with the Xr, Yr and img lines, reducing them each to one array allocation, but @kristoffer.carlsson’s can eliminate these directly.

A few other minor points (not really performance related, but just good practice):

  • Use sind and cosd instead of sin(x/180.0*pi): these handle cases like sind(180) correctly (though it won’t make a huge difference in this case).
  • Similarly there is a mod2pi function, though in this case you could move the multiplication by pi outside, so the last few lines of the above solution would look like:
k = v <= 1 ? 10*Yr : 0.0
img[i,j] = (mod(k-1,2)+1)*pi

The code is fast because:

  • It only does one (significant) allocation which is the output image. Your original code does an allocation for every vectorized call to store the result of that operation.
  • It doesn’t load and reload memory over and over which reduces cache misses.

Regarding why it doesn’t extend to more objects. Maybe you are just making a mistake. If you post your code, it can probably be fixed.

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Thanks for all the tipps and explanations, I narrowed it down to the following

function artificialInSARImage(pts::Integer)::Array{Float64,2}
  # variables
  values = linspace(-0.5,0.5,pts)
  aSteps = 60.0; cosS = cosd(aSteps); sinS = sind(aSteps)
  l = 0.075
  midP = [.125, .55]
  img = zeros(Float64,pts,pts)
  @inbounds @fastmath for j in eachindex(values), i in eachindex(values)
    Xr = cosS*values[i] - sinS*values[j]
    Yr = cosS*values[j] + sinS*values[i]
    @inbounds @fastmath for m=1:8
      k3 = (abs(Xr+midP[1]-m*l)+abs(Yr+midP[2]-m*l)) <= l ? 2*pi*(m/8) : 0.0
    img[i,j] = mod(k3-pi,2*pi)+pi
  return img

While all others are quite similar to the idea above this loop (even including my idea of the break) seems to break allocations (they get up to 2.19 M and stays there) while all others seem to just keep it down to 9-12 allocations. And somehow I can’t see why. Combining this k3 with k1 even yields 15 M allocations…hm. Still trying to get used to looking for allocations, I think.

Change this to k3=0.0 and things will be ok.

I suggest reading through the performance tips: http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.5/manual/performance-tips/. Especially how to use the @code_warntype macro which highlights the problem immidiately:

You have a small type instability: try @code_warntype. It will spit out a lot of output, but the top will look like:

julia> @code_warntype artificialInSARImage(1024)

In particular, note k3 is Any, not a concrete type (in the actual output it is highlighted in red).

Change the first line of k3 to k3 = 0.0 (though I think your inner loop might be incorrect, as you only use the result of k3 on the last iteration), changes:

julia> @time artificialInSARImage(1024);
  0.112607 seconds (9.44 M allocations: 152.000 MB, 11.51% gc time)


julia> @time artificialInSARImage(1024);
  0.023449 seconds (7 allocations: 8.000 MB, 15.50% gc time)

(after warmup).

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Oh, the @code_warntype is very helpful, thank you very much and excuse my beginner error of using 0 instead of 0.0 I already know that (usually).

@simonbyrne yes its meant to be a += :slight_smile: but that also works fine if the type is correct. Very nice!

Another tip is that @inbounds will apply to everything inside the loop, also new loops. Same with the @fastmath macro. So there is no need to add @inbounds & co to the inner loop. And just as a warning, if you mess up with your indexing while using the @inbounds macro then julia can segfault or give weird results.

If you start julia with julia --check-bounds=yes then all the @inbounds macros will be turned off if you want to do a run with bounds checking activated again.


Thanks for the clarification, that was part of what I meant with the elaboration, so I removed the inner @inbounds and yes I am awayre of the consequences and just to use that if the inner parts are debugged long enough :slight_smile: