Efficiently resample a large vector?

I’m doing some simulations and need to efficiently sample a set of items, and then subset/filter a large vector (1>million entries) whose elements are contained in the sampled items. Here’s some minimal code.

# generate some random data and corresponding element weights
DF = sample(1:15000, 1500000, replace = true)
wts = rand(Uniform(), 15000)
@time for s in 1:500
	# sample a subset of elements based on the weights
	samp = sample(1:15000, Weights(wts), 100, replace = false)
	# sample a single index from DF corresponding to each element
	sim_inds = [rand(findall(x-> x == i, DF)) for i in samp]
	# now use sim_inds for additional calculations....
 26.333749 seconds (788.80 k allocations: 8.999 GiB, 0.39% gc time, 0.39% compilation time)

I’m just suprised at how long this takes. I’ve tried various other approaches using dataframes, groupby, and so on, but the bottleneck always seems to be the findall step, or its equivalent, where I filter/match the sampled elements to the large vector. Any thoughts on how to speed this up?

EDIT: I’ve solved my own question in the act of posting it. StratifiedRandomSub in MLBase provides a massive speed boost:

@time begin
	# sample one index per element
	strat = hcat(collect(StratifiedRandomSub(DF, 15000, 500))...)
	# subsample the indices based on weights
	a = [sample(strat[:,i], Weights(wts), 100) for i in 1:500]
1.426467 seconds (7.62 M allocations: 903.555 MiB, 5.83% gc time, 2.54% compilation time)

But any further efficiency boost would be much appreciated!

You should never do benchmarking on non-const variables in global scope. Wrap your code in a function, and pass variables as input and output arguments.

Further performance tips here: Performance Tips · The Julia Language But the above tip is number 1.

And use the BenchmarkTools.jl package for benchmarking.

And one more thing: Try to make your example self-contained. For example, now Random.seed!(), Uniform() and Weights() are undefined and presumably come from some packages. Can you include the necessary code to load the correct libraries?

A 1000x speedup by precomputing the indices :

using Random, Distributions, StatsBase, BenchmarkTools

# generate some random data and corresponding element weights
DF = sample(1:15000, 1500000, replace = true)
wts = rand(Uniform(), 15000)
function original(DF,wts,N)
    for s in 1:N
        # sample a subset of elements based on the weights
        samp = sample(1:15000, Weights(wts), 100, replace = false)
        # sample a single index from DF corresponding to each element
        sim_inds = [rand(findall(x-> x == i, DF)) for i in samp]
        # now use sim_inds for additional calculations....

w = Weights(wts)
indices = [findall(x -> x==i,DF) for i in 1:15000]
function my_try(indices,w,N)
    sim_inds = zeros(Int64,100)
    for s in 1:N
        samp = sample(1:15000, w, 100, replace = false)
        for i in 1:length(samp)
            sim_inds[i] = rand(indices[samp[i]])
        # now use sim_inds for additional calculations....

@btime original(DF,wts,10) # 828ms
@btime my_try(indices,w,10) # 843μs

This will get even beter if you increase the number of repeats.

Thanks for the suggestion. But the timing ignores the time spent calculating the indices, which is still the bottleneck:

function get_inds(z::Vector{Int64}, r::UnitRange{Int64})
	indices = [findall(x -> x==i,z) for i in r]
	return indices

@btime get_inds(DF, 1:15000)
# 7.585 s (120040 allocations: 2.70 GiB)

If this does what you are looking for, try a little …

d=Dict{Int, Vector{Int}}()
foreach(((i,e),)->push!(get!(()->Int[], d,e),i), enumerate(DF))
values(d)  # or better simply d 

julia> Set(values(d))==Set(indices)

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