Efficiently in-place filling an array of ForwardDiff.Dual

I was able to write function to handle arrays of ForwardDiff.Dual, since in theory I should be able to compute the derivative of a certain function much more efficiently than just propagating Dual numbers through it. I have been able to write most of this function quite efficiently, unpacking the values and partials from the array of Dual, handling each part separately, however, filling the array back up at the end is about 1000X slower than all the other parts of the function, and slower than the function I am differentiating!

julia> using ForwardDiff: Dual, partials, value

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime du = [Dual{nothing}(0., 1., 2., 3.) for x ∈ 1:64, y ∈ 1:64];
  5.568 μs (2 allocations: 128.05 KiB)

julia> # extract values, partials

julia> @btime vs = value.(du);
  2.953 μs (5 allocations: 32.11 KiB)

julia> function extractPartials(du)
           nps = length(partials(du[1,1]))
           ps = zeros(size(du)..., nps)
           @inbounds for I ∈ CartesianIndices(du), j ∈ 1:nps
               ps[I, j] = partials(du[I], j)
           return ps
extractPartials (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime ps = extractPartials(du);
  9.420 μs (2 allocations: 96.06 KiB)

julia> function fillArrDual!(du, vs, ps)
           @inbounds for I ∈ CartesianIndices(du)
               du[I] = Dual{nothing}(vs[I], ps[I, :]...)
fillArrDual! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime fillArrDual!(du, vs, ps);
  2.726 ms (57344 allocations: 1.44 MiB)

I’m not sure why it is allocating so much memory! Since Duals are immutable, it can’t just overwrite the entries of du in place, so I get that there will be some allocation for each Dual, but then why is du = [Dual{nothing}(0., 1., 2., 3.) for x ∈ 1:64, y ∈ 1:64] so much faster with far fewer allocations? Getting rid of the splat helps quite a bit:

julia> function fillArrDual!(du, vs, ps)
           @inbounds for I ∈ CartesianIndices(du)
               du[I] = Dual{nothing}(vs[I], ntuple(j -> ps[I, j], size(ps)[end]))
fillArrDual! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime fillArrDual!(du, vs, ps);
  530.914 μs (12288 allocations: 384.00 KiB)

but this is still way too slow for my application. I have tried looking through the ForwardDiff source, but I am a little out of my depth identifying exactly what is going wrong here

Removing the splat is on the trail, but the problem is that size(ps)[end] is dynamic. You can get the size you need from the type, so that it’s known at compile-time:

julia> @btime fillArrDual!(du, vs, ps);
  min 409.167 μs, mean 442.842 μs (12288 allocations, 384.00 KiB)

julia> typeof(du)
Matrix{Dual{nothing, Float64, 3}} (alias for Array{Dual{nothing, Float64, 3}, 2})

julia> function fill_2!(du::AbstractArray{Dual{Z,T,N}}, vs, ps) where {Z,T,N}
         for I ∈ CartesianIndices(du)
           du[I] = Dual{nothing}(vs[I], ntuple(j -> ps[I, j], N))

julia> @btime fill_2!(du, vs, ps);
  min 5.798 μs, mean 5.837 μs (0 allocations)

julia> function fill_3!(du::AbstractArray{Dual{Z,T,N}}, vs, ps) where {Z,T,N}
         checkbounds(ps, first(CartesianIndices(du)), 1:N)  # make 2nd @inbounds safe
         for I ∈ CartesianIndices(du)
           @inbounds du[I] = Dual{nothing}(vs[I], ntuple(j -> @inbounds(ps[I, j]), N))

julia> @btime fill_3!(du, vs, ps);
  min 2.292 μs, mean 2.318 μs (0 allocations)
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Wow! You are amazing, thank you so much. This worked like a treat. This is the second time I’ve been blown away by how much of a difference this kind of thing can make.

Just curious, in the future, is there some way to train my intuition to detect these kinds of inefficiencies? I’ve tried to use type annotations on function arguments before, but I usually end up making them too specific and have to remove them later. It’s hard for me to tell exactly when this kind of type information will matter.