Efficient way of turning iterator into a matrix

I have the following goal:

Take in an iterator which does not necessarily have eltype(itr) defined.

  1. If the iterator is looping through numbers, return a vector of those numbers.
  2. If the iterator is not through numbers, return a matrix where each row of the matrix is a collected element of the iterator.

The most naive implementation is

_collect(x::Number) = x
_collect(x) = collect(x)

function mycollect(itr)
    mapreduce(transpose ∘ _collect, vcat, itr)

Does anyone have an idea for how to do this more efficiently?

Does the iterator and the iterators inside the iterator have a known length?

no. But we can assume the lengths are all equal.

Then I have a package which will do this:

julia> tups = ((1,i,i^2) for i in Iterators.filter(_->rand(Bool), 1:1000));

julia> Base.haslength(tups)

julia> eltype(tups)

julia> using LazyStack

julia> stack(_collect(t) for t in tups)
3×515 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  1   1   1    1    1    1    1    1    1  …       1       1       1       1
 2  3   8   9   10   11   13   14   15   16        988     989     991     999
 4  9  64  81  100  121  169  196  225  256     976144  978121  982081  998001

julia> stack(last(t) for t in tups)' # numbers
1×495 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
 4  100  121  144  289  529  625  841  900  …  982081  990025  994009  996004

julia> @btime mycollect($tups);
  374.261 μs (1770 allocations: 2.38 MiB)

julia> @btime stack(_collect(t) for t in $tups);
  36.588 μs (445 allocations: 71.83 KiB)

The need for _collect here (with tuples) is a bug, only for the case of unknown iterator length, i.e. stack((1,i,i^2) for i in 1:10) works, but stack(tups) does not, right now.


Here is a solution

function _c(itr)
    n = length(first(itr))
    [xj[i] for xj in itr, i in 1:n]

EDIT: weirdly enough this does not work with tups defined above. Not sure why, though.

julia> t = ((1, i, i^2) for i in 1:4)
Base.Generator{UnitRange{Int64},var"#37#38"}(var"#37#38"(), 1:4)

julia> _c(t)
4×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  1   1
 1  2   4
 1  3   9
 1  4  16

julia> t = ((1, i, i^2) for i in Iterators.filter(isodd, 1:4))
Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{typeof(isodd),UnitRange{Int64}},var"#39#40"}(var"#39#40"(), Base.Iterators.Filter{typeof(isodd),UnitRange{Int64}}(isodd, 1:4))

julia> _c(t)
6-element Array{Int64,1}:

You can just reshape it:

function c_cols(itr)
    n = length(first(itr))
    reshape([xj[i] for i in 1:n, xj in itr], n, :)

Applied to tuples, this turns out to be much quicker than what stack is doing (which I think is copyto!). But slower for vectors.

I still don’t fully understand why adding an Iterators.Filter messes with the output. It appears to be splatting the tupples, filtering out all the elements of 1, i, i^2 and iterating through the values themselves…

Ah sorry. My implementation gives what I want. I mean that the first row of the matrix is collect(first(itr)).

There is no splatting, it just doesn’t give shapes to generators built of others whose shape is unknown:

t1 = ((1,2,3) for i in 2:2:10)
t2 = ((1,2,3) for i in Iterators.Filter(iseven, 1:10))
t3 = ((1,2,3) for i in Iterators.Filter(iseven, hcat(1:5, 6:10)))
Base.IteratorSize(t1) # Base.HasShape{1}()
Base.IteratorSize(t2) # Base.SizeUnknown()
Base.IteratorSize(t3) # Base.SizeUnknown()

m1 = (t[i] for i in 1:3, t in t1) # Iterators.product
m2 = (t[i] for i in 1:3, t in t2)
m3 = (t[i] for i in 1:3, t in t3)
Base.IteratorSize(m1) # Base.HasShape{2}()
Base.IteratorSize(m2) # Base.SizeUnknown()
Base.IteratorSize(m3) # Base.SizeUnknown()

You are collecting something like m2.

But does your real problem contain tuples? These were just the first non-vector objects which came to mind.

Iterators of tuples and named tuples would be useful. Just taking any collection of “observations” and putting it into a matrix where each row is an observation. So it’s helpful to be agnostic about what constitutes an observation.

For things which aren’t tuples, notice that the wrong iteration order is fairly expensive:

@btime c_cols(collect(t) for t in $tups); # 31.931 μs (1016 allocations: 103.06 KiB)
@btime c_rows(collect(t) for t in $tups); # 65.194 μs (1517 allocations: 196.84 KiB)
@btime permutedims(c_cols(collect(t) for t in $tups)); # 32.206 μs (1018 allocations: 103.16 KiB)
julia> function _flat(x)
           n = length(first(x))
           reshape(collect(Iterators.flatten(x)), :, n)