plot(randn(100), ylabel="y1", leg=:topright)
plot!(twinx(), randn(100)*10,
size=(600, 400))
I have chaged mm to, but I guess it’s not the issue. Just restart julia session or upgrade julia version. My result is obtained in julia 1.9.0 and Plots v1.38.11.
I tried this and still, they are both on the same side. I upgraded both Julia and plots too.
Not sure what is causing this, or how I can force it to be on the other side.
I’m facing the same issue with pyplot in Plots.jl. Plots v1.38.17 and Julia v1.9.2.
I think this is unique to pyplot, @PeX are you also using pyplot?
When I switched to GR it worked as expected…
I’m also having the same issue, also using Pluto and Plotly. I’m a semi-beginner with Julia, I can’t just change the backend to GR() and have all my Plotly commands still work correct?