Dropping support for 0.5 on JuliaBox

As a follow up, Juliabox has now dropped support for Julia 0.5.


Any timelines when 0.7 support be added?


I don’t know if this thread is the correct one for what I want to say. Anyway, I think it is crucial to maintain Juliabox to keep it up and running properly for the time of the release of 1.0. I think whoever wants to try / teach / share julia should / could point to Juliabox.

At this moment, for me the Terminal doesn’t work and neither does the kernel v0.6.2 on my notebooks. In other words, I cannot do anything with it.

The last commit on GitHub was on November 2017. Is the official repo gone somewhere else? Or is JuliaBox officially unmaintained?


I just checked and both the terminal and the notebooks work fine for me. If they don’t work for you, perhaps you can contact the maintainers directly: