I am trying to draw letters of a specific size, color, opacity, and location in a Gtk window. Here is an example of what the output might look like: example.
I am able to draw rectangles with the following code:
function draw_object!(ex, vo)
c = ex.canvas
win = ex.window
w = vo.width
pos = vo.location
@guarded draw(c) do widget
ctx = getgc(c)
rectangle(ctx, pos..., w, w)
set_source_rgb(ctx, 252, 3, 3)
return nothing
Even though I went through the documentation and source code, it is not clear how to draw text and modify its properties. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It’s somehow implict. A GtkCanvas is actually a libcairo surface and with the getgc you can get a Cairo context and use the calls provided by Cairo.jl (Cairo.jl/Samples.md at master · JuliaGraphics/Cairo.jl · GitHub).
Note: For single letter drawing (and if you can live with the standard font(s)) it’s recommended to stay with the ‘simple’ interface (-> Cairo.jl/sample_text.jl at master · JuliaGraphics/Cairo.jl · GitHub)
Thank you. This was very helpful.
I am still struggling with a few details. First, how do I set the location of the text? The rectangle appears to be based on the top left corner. However, the text location is different. Second, is it possible to set the alphacolor with RBG values instead of colarant?
Here is what I have so far:
using Gtk, Graphics, Cairo, Colors
c = @GtkCanvas()
win = GtkWindow(c, "Canvas",500, 500)
@guarded draw(c) do widget
ctx = getgc(c)
h = height(c)
w = width(c)
# draw text
select_font_face(ctx, "Sans", Cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
set_font_size(ctx, 52.0);
set_source_rgb(ctx, 0.8,0.8,0.8)
extents = text_extents(cr, "cairo");
x = 128.0-(extents[3]/2 + extents[1]);
y = 128.0-(extents[4]/2 + extents[2]);
move_to(ctx, x, y);
show_text(ctx, "cairo");
#draw red semi-transluecent rectangle
rectangle(ctx, x-50, y-50, 200, 100)
set_source(ctx, Cairo.alphacolor(colorant"red",.5))
Thank you!
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The simple_text example paints a red dot at the position where the text is placed (10,135). The reference point is actually fontdependent, but you can assume a ‘lower, left corner’ of the textbox. And, yes, coordinates are x->right, y->down (if not rotated). Also in simple_test you can see the use of set_source_rgba(context, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA).
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Thanks again for your help.
In case it is useful for future reference, here is a simple example of what I am trying to accomplish
using Gtk, Graphics, Cairo, Colors
c = @GtkCanvas()
win = GtkWindow(c, "Canvas",500, 500)
@guarded draw(c) do widget
ctx = getgc(c)
# draw text
select_font_face(ctx, "Sans", Cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
set_font_size(ctx, 22.5);
set_source_rgb(ctx, 0.8,0.8,0.8)
extents = text_extents(cr, "X");
x = 128.0-(extents[3]/2 + extents[1]);
y = 128.0-(extents[4]/2 + extents[2]);
move_to(ctx, x, y);
show_text(ctx, "X");
#draw red semi-transluecent rectangle
circle(ctx, x + 15/2, y - 15/2, 15)
set_source_rgba(ctx, 1, 0, 0, .5)
# set_source(ctx, Cairo.alphacolor(colorant"red",.5))