Changing Gtk widget border/background colors

I’m having a bit of difficulty trying to understand how one would set the background or border color of a widget with Gtk.jl. I’ve taken a look at this issue, but haven’t been able to make it work with Julia 0.6 and Gtk master (the color doesn’t change). Here’s my snippet:

using Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames

win = Window("Test")
lbl = Label("Some text")
push!(win, lbl)

sc = Gtk.GAccessor.style_context(lbl)
pr = CssProviderLeaf(data="GtkLabel {color:blue}")
push!(sc, StyleProvider(pr), 600)


I’ve also attempted to read the Gtk documentation to find some semblance of an answer, but haven’t found it terribly helpful in relation to Gtk.jl. I’ve seen methods like G_.background_color, but it seems like this just retrieves the current background color of the supplied StyleContext.

I also noticed that there is a signal called “draw” that is apparently fired when a widget is supposed to draw itself. It’s supposed to provide both the GtkWidget being drawn, and the cairo_t struct (which I assume can be converted to a CairoContext somehow) to the supplied callback. However, the following snippet of code shows that cr is some sort of object like Gtk.GLib.GBoxedUnkown(Ptr{Gtk.GLib.GBoxed} @0x0000000002c6d310), which I’m not sure how to handle.

using Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames, Cairo

win = Window("Test")
lbl = Label("Some text")
push!(win, lbl)

signal_connect(lbl, "draw") do widget, cr
  @async info(widget)
  @async info(cr)


What I’m looking for is either some way to use the StyleContext for coloring and styling, or alternatively some way to access the underlying CairoContext of a widget, so that I can manually draw in the colors (or even a gradient or image). Could someone more experienced with Gtk.jl shed some light on what I’m missing? Thanks!

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So, through a bunch of head-banging and searching of documentation, I managed to partially answer my question, using the second option (getting and drawing to the underlying CairoContext). Here’s what I’ve got:

using Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames, Cairo

win = Window("Test")
lbl = Label("Some text")
push!(win, lbl)

signal_connect(lbl, "draw") do widget, cr
  w, h = width(widget), height(widget)
  @async info(cr)
  ctxptr = convert(Ptr{Void}, cr.handle)
  ctx = CairoContext(ctxptr)
  set_source_rgb(ctx, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
  rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h)


This sets the label’s background to a pleasing purple color. The question I now have, is whether this can be used to color in only the border of a widget, while leaving the drawing of the internal area to the widget? If it helps to understand why I want this, I want to use this as a sort of “highlighting” for a keyboard-driven Gtk program which has a hierarchy of nested Gtk widgets. Because I want to be able to indicate to the user which widget in the hierarchy they’re focused on (a box, a label, a canvas, etc.) I was planning to color the border for the “focused” widget with a color to indicate that the widget is in focus. Therefore, while coloring the entire background of a widget is nice, it’s not exactly what I’m looking for: I need to only color the border area. Is there a way to do this that is possibly similar to my above snippet?

EDIT: I really should take more time to try things before I post! I figured out a way to do what I’m looking for using the same concept as above, and am posting it in case anyone else has a need for something similar:

sing Gtk, Gtk.ShortNames, Cairo

win = Window("Test")
box = Box(:h)
push!(win, box)
lbl1 = Label("Some text")
push!(box, lbl1)
setproperty!(lbl1, "margin", 10)
setproperty!(lbl1, "expand", true)
lbl2 = Label("Some text")
push!(box, lbl2)
setproperty!(lbl2, "margin", 10)
setproperty!(lbl2, "expand", true)

signal_connect(box, "draw") do widget, cr
  w, h = width(widget), height(widget)
  @async info(w, " ", h)
  @async info(cr)
  ctxptr = convert(Ptr{Void}, cr.handle)
  ctx = CairoContext(ctxptr)
  set_source_rgb(ctx, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
  rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h)
signal_connect(lbl1, "draw") do widget, cr
  w, h = width(widget), height(widget)
  @async info(w, " ", h)
  @async info(cr)
  ctxptr = convert(Ptr{Void}, cr.handle)
  ctx = CairoContext(ctxptr)
  set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0)
  rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h)
signal_connect(lbl2, "draw") do widget, cr
  w, h = width(widget), height(widget)
  @async info(w, " ", h)
  @async info(cr)
  ctxptr = convert(Ptr{Void}, cr.handle)
  ctx = CairoContext(ctxptr)
  set_source_rgb(ctx, 0, 0, 0)
  rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, w, h)



pr = CssProviderLeaf(data="* {color:blue;}")

or this

pr = CssProviderLeaf(data="label {color:blue;}")

works. I don’t really know why though. Someone should figure out this and maybe redesign/write a good doc for that part of Gtk.jl. CssProviderLeaf also calls repetitively gtk_css_provider_get_default which gives you the Duplicate Julia object creation detected for GObject warnings.

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GAccessor.markup(widget, "<span background=\"green\">" * label * "</span>")