Double yaxis using plotlyjs() as backend

Hello, there, I want plot δGDP and δM2 vs Year on left yaxis, whereas δGDP/δM2 vs Year on the right side
Here is my code: anyon can help me with plot!? Thanks!

using Plots

    p = plot(
    Year, [δM2, δGDP],
    title = "δM2 & δGDP",

    label = ["δM2" "δGDP"],

    fg_legend = :transparent,

    legend_position = (0.1, 0.95),

    ylims = (.0, 250000.0),

    tickfontsize = 11,
    legend_font_pointsize = 13,

    size = (800, 600)
        p, Year, δGDP / δM2, yaxis = "y2"    # need be fixed 
        label = "δGDP / δM2", 
Year δGDP δM2 δGDP/δM2
2000 9715.700000000012 14849.419999999984 0.6542814466827676
2001 50374.90000000014 20400.98000000001 0.19495496947299085
2002 60970.19999999995 30358.440000000002 0.21665099384097747
2003 135670.0 35979.869999999995 0.6918279499817624
2004 27051.800000000047 31575.98000000001 0.1350516484515501
2005 67234.09999999998 45237.34 0.4208849626215843
2006 87245.19999999995 49537.77999999997 0.6391172780705213
2007 85640.80000000005 57823.390000000014 0.6109839961533676
2008 57536.90000000002 71765.29999999999 0.36464557700577177
2009 45295.09999999998 135057.92000000004 0.2763525824154297
2010 50599.90000000002 115627.27000000002 0.415264428354147
2011 54383.19999999995 125739.10999999999 0.41082315564628
2012 50639.79999999999 122557.90000000002 0.41319082653994543
2013 75820.90000000002 132376.17999999993 0.6030017231710963
2014 63601.59999999998 121849.83000000007 0.5500570929331806
2015 29273.100000000035 163903.29919881 0.21674478623689766
2016 49152.29999999999 157788.55861205002 0.6849034282585037
2017 50653.79999999999 140168.64686992997 0.876008826186081
2018 32119.600000000006 136508.9053192099 0.6483859389742541
2019 25478.699999999983 159744.6000000001 0.5632227712770023
2020 24418.20000000001 200307.07000000007 0.7733156658954055
2021 15704.600000000006 196103.66999999993 0.43648295560823336
2022 10854.299999999988 281421.2799999998 0.3575381343705404
2023 10583.0 258392.49000000022 0.5187495894805051

Use twinx() for multiple y-axes:

plot!(twinx(), Year, δGDP ./ δM2, yaxis="y2", label="δGDP / δM2")

I tried twinx(), but seems like plotlyjs() backend does not support twinx(), this syntax is in gr() backend

Sorry, twinx and twiny seem to only work for the gr, pyplot and pgfplotsx backbends.